Even though Huo Ting took his mobile phone out for lighting, he was hit in the head by a billboard hanging on the corridor because he was too unfamiliar with the terrain.

There was a loud sound on the quiet night.

"I depend on it!" Hoting squatted down with his head in his arms.

Su Mianmian lost sleep this night. She moved out alone for the first time. Facing a strange environment, she didn't know whether she knew the relationship between her bed or not. She turned over and over, but couldn't sleep.

Suddenly she heard a familiar voice outside the door.

She was stupefied, quickly sat up, put on slippers to go out to have a look.

But when she put her hand on the doorknob, she came back to her senses.

I think I must have heard wrong! Uncle is drunk. How could he come here.

Su Mian knocks on his head and feels that he has no future. He is not used to it since he just left.

"Su Mian, stop thinking. Go back to sleep!" She murmured, turning back to bed and reclining.

And Huo Ting outside the door angrily took down the billboard, and found that the billboard had been bumped by himself.

“……” He threw it aside, speechless, and went on.

Another half of the stairs led to Su Mian's door. After finishing his clothes, he immediately raised his hand and began to knock on the door.

Su Mian is lying on the bed with her eyes closed. Suddenly she finds a knock on the door.

"It's over!" She's beginning to have hallucinations!

She painfully covers her head with the quilt and continues to force herself to sleep.

Huoting was not discouraged at all. After knocking for about five minutes, the woman in the room opposite Su Mian finally got up.

"I wipe! Who's freaking out? What door do you knock on when you don't sleep in the middle of the night? " The woman angrily opened the door, but when she saw Huo Ting, she immediately became a little woman. She arranged her clothes and asked in a low voice, "handsome boy, did you come to me?"

Hearing this, Huo Ting's face turned black.

Did she misunderstand that he was a special occupation?

Hoting said coldly, "get out!"

The woman has never seen such a terrible person. Her legs are soft with fear. She quickly gives up her position to let Huo ting in.

After entering, Huo Ting found that there were two doors, so he turned around and asked, "which one do you live in?"

The woman pointed weakly to the right.

Then jottim strode to the left and opened the door.

Because the house is full of women, Su Mian doesn't lock the door when she sleeps.

When Huo Ting opened the door with a twist, he silently wrote another note to Su Mian.

Little sheep doesn't lock the door when they sleep! There's no sense of crisis!

Su Mian covers her head and doesn't know what's going on outside. She doesn't pull down the quilt until the light in the room is turned on.


Then she saw Huo ting with a black face and looked down at her.

Is she still sleeping?

How could uncle appear here?

Su Mian pinched her arm silently, frowning with pain.

It hurts! Prove that this is not a dream at all, uncle really came!

Su Mian shrunk his neck and said weakly, "uncle, why are you here..." It must be Dongdong's address. She thought it would be at least tomorrow for uncle to find it.

Who would have expected that uncle would have killed him in the middle of the night.

There is really no psychological preparation!

She looked behind Huo ting and saw the woman running back to the room and slamming the door.

Su Mian's forehead was covered with black lines.