Kevin watched for a few days and found that Su Mian was very talented in making cakes, and she was very thoughtful, which was very good for him.

"You said to add coconut crumbs to this cake?" Kevin asked.

Su Mian nodded and said, "this cake tastes a little too sweet and greasy. You can mix it with coconut."

She has been here for a few days and found that this cake sells the worst. After tasting one piece that day, she found that the first bite is still good, and it is easy to be sweet and greasy after eating. In this way, the customer will not buy it again after buying it. Therefore, she has been trying to figure out this problem and how to improve the taste these days.

Kevin's cakes are all made on the same day. If they can't be sold on the same day, they will be brought back to the employees.

"That's a good idea. Go and try it." Kevin said.

"OK." Su Mian was very happy to hear that Kevin recognized his idea, so she went back to the background and began to implement her idea.

Kevin didn't go either, but followed Su Mian in, watched her make cakes and chatted with the baker.

"I said, what's going on in the shop opposite? After winning the most popular Award for our products, we began to change the name of the store. " Kevin said doubtfully, "even if it's changed, it's closed recently, they won't think of any more big moves?"

The baker glanced at Kevin and said angrily, "you think too much. I just met their Baker yesterday. It's said that the boss sold the shop for a high price and opened a bigger shop in another place."

"No?! Since I bought their shop, why didn't I see anything? "

The baker couldn't figure it out. He paused and said, "maybe it's money and willfulness?"

"God knows what happened!" Kevin said, "he changed his name to little sheep cake shop. It's a very good name..."

Su Mian, who used to sprinkle shredded coconuts, heard that his hands were shaking and he had sprinkled more.

They said About that shop.

Huoting was angry and left that day. She never contacted Su Mianmian again. She wanted to call her uncle, but every time she picked up the phone, she was a little afraid. Instead, Dongdong would call her every day.

Su Mian sighs silently in her heart, drives out all the ideas in her mind and concentrates on making cakes.

Two hours later, she made the finished product. She nervously took out the cake for Kevin to taste.

Kevin took a look and said, "it's a bit off."

Su Mian said a little embarrassed, "I'll pay attention next time." It's just distracted to listen to their chat, but I'm a little bit heavy.

Kevin cut a piece and put a fork into his mouth.

Su Mian watched him nervously, watching his mouth move, but there was no expression on his face.

Is it delicious or not?

Su Mian has no bottom in mind.

When the baker saw that Kevin was going to pretend to be unpredictable again, he cut a piece to taste.

"It's delicious." The bakers are much cleaner.

However, Su Mian looks at Kevin nervously.

After a few minutes, Kevin finally finished eating the cake. He wiped his mouth, looked at Su Mian, who was nervous, and said, "take the rest and sell it. If the sales are good, I will give you a commission."