It's the most violent time of the day. Huoting sees the sun shining on Su Mian's body. The whole person looks like he's plated with a layer of Phnom Penh and feathered.

Her smile is so brilliant, dimples appear on the corner of her mouth, he suddenly forcefully holds her hand and pulls her forcefully to his side.

Su Mian looked up at him doubtfully and asked, "what's the matter?"

Huo Ting lowers his head and kisses her at the corner of her mouth, but because of the relationship outside, he doesn't deepen the kiss, just kisses and releases Su Mian.

Su Mian was frightened by his boldness. After he let go of her, he immediately covered his mouth and jumped away two steps. He said in a low voice.

"Uncle, it's outside!"

Although she said so, she didn't blame Huo ting in her tone.

Maybe I'm used to intimacy, right?

Jottim whispered in her ear, "who makes you smile like this to seduce me?"


"Uncle, I really don't have one." Su Mian said solemnly.

"I say there is." Huo Ting takes Su Mian's hand and goes on.


Su Mian looks around. Fortunately, today's freshmen report for duty. Although there are many people, everyone is busy with their own affairs. Just Huo Ting's action is very fast. If the angle is not in front of them, I don't think we can find the two people kissing.

She was slightly relieved. She wanted to open uncle's hand, but she couldn't do it several times. She just let it go.

Huo Ting sees Su Mian listen down, the corner of the mouth slightly hooked up.

At the moment, the sun is just right!


Every year when the new students report to the school is the busiest time for the student union. They not only need to make arrangements for the reception work of the new students, but also go to the scene in person to find some excellent new students and inject fresh energy into their student union.

"I found a good boy this morning. If he can join the club, he will give it to you."

Bai Xue, the president of the student union, is twenty years old. She is in the computer department. Her appearance is very beautiful, but in her bones, she is a real woman. She is a boy who has been beaten roughly. It is said that she once won the second place in the National Youth Wushu.

"President, I think it's a bit difficult. That guy is a rich second generation. You know, the rich second generation doesn't have that kind of advanced thought of giving to the people."

"Who let him pay?! All we want is his face! Let him take some brochures, help us publicize the student union, and bring some people in. " Snow White said while patting his head hard, and said, "if you don't enter, you can't finish the work!"

“QAQ…… Meeting, President, there are new students coming! "

"I'll tell you later!" White snow stared at the new wave of new life in front of her and quickly looked for Yan Hao. After sweeping around, she quickly locked Su Mian.

No way. Su Mianmian is standing beside huoting. Huoting's face is top-notch. Although the aura is very strong, it's enough to put the temperament and face there.

And although Su Mian is not a beautiful woman that can be seen at a glance, she is a kind of patient, and dimple or something. She has a special affinity when she laughs.

Snow White came forward very enthusiastically and said, "Xuemei, which department are you from?"

Su Mian heard a warm voice, looked up and saw a strange girl. She looked at her work clothes and knew that she was a student sister of the student union. She said with a smile, "good student sister, I'm from the Chinese department."