They talked all the way. Of course, most of them were Su Mian.

After arriving at the dining hall, Su Mian asks Chi Xiaoyuan to find a place to sit first, and she goes to fight for rice.

Naturally, the meals in the school canteen can't be compared with those Su Mian usually eats. However, before she came to school, she had made psychological preparations. Therefore, in the face of the common dish style, she calmly chose two better dishes.

Because Xiaoyuan doesn't eat spicy food, Su Mian orders tomato scrambled eggs and Spicy Salt chops.

After paying the money, the food is stir fried. It takes about 20 minutes for Su Mian to go back to find Chi Xiaoyuan.

As a result, she saw several girls around Chi Xiaoyuan from afar, and did not know what happened.

Su Mianmian hurried to speed up and then heard their conversation.

"Chi Xiaoyuan, such a retarded person as you shouldn't come to school. My God, how cheeky you are! You dare to come here to eat, and you're not afraid to be disgusted! I say you, although you are related to Chi Mei, your family is disgusting! Always using other people's money... "

"Forget it. She's my sister."

"Beauty, you are so kind. What kind of sister is she! I'm so far away from you, I don't know the relatives who are several generations apart... "

Chi Xiaoyuan lowered his head from the beginning to the end and didn't say a word.

Although Su Mian doesn't know what's going on here, Chi Xiaoyuan is her friend. Seeing her friend's face sprayed like this, Su Mian stands out without thinking.

"Be polite." She stood in front of Chi Xiaoyuan, trying to protect her cub and stare at several girls in front of her.

"Who are you?" The man who just scolded Chi Xiaoyuan said rudely, "don't mess up before you figure out the matter. It's not something you can afford."

"Come on, let's go." Said the man who claimed to be Chi Xiaoyuan's sister again.

"Late beauty, don't be afraid!" The man patted the late beauty's hand and soothed her, saying loudly, "this man's brain is abnormal, his parents are not in business, and all the family live on the money of the beautiful family, don't you know? Her tuition is from the beauty family. Poor beauty, her parents are gone, so she is bullied by such a family of relatives... "

"That's enough!" Su Mian cried out, "no matter what purpose you say these words to smear my classmates, if you go on, I will investigate your legal responsibility!"

"Haha, legal liability? Are you kidding me?! "

"Classmate, it's not a joke." All of a sudden a beautiful baritone sounded.

It turns out that Bai Xue is here.

"Who are you?"

Snow White patted her head and said, "I forgot to bring my work card out again!"

"President! Your work card is here! " Shouted someone in the crowd.

Everyone watched as a man with glasses squeezed out of the crowd and handed Bai Xue the work card of the president of the student union.

"See?!" Snow White smiled and said, "which department or class are you from?"

Those who scold Chi Xiaoyuan can't get over it at the moment. They have a look with some friends around them and want to calm down.

However, snow white could not do what they wanted. They stopped the late beauty in them in one step.

"Xuemei, how can I run away at the sight of Xuejie?"