Wife?! What does Bai Jing see?

Su Mian's hands trembled, almost pouring the dishes into the small hot pot. Fortunately, he stopped in time.

She smiled a little heartily and said, "why do you say that all of a sudden?"

"Why are you so nervous all of a sudden?" Bai Jing was always straightforward. She said, "I just think you are very virtuous."

It turns out

Su Mian took a sigh of relief and said, "I have a five-year-old at home, so I'm used to it."

"Is it your brother? Do you have any pictures? "

Su Mian Leng Leng, nodded and said, "yes, I'll show you."

She took the self portrait of Dong Dong and showed it to Bai Jing.

"What a lovely little lady! Is it a mixed race? Why is it a little curly? " Bai Jing asked.

It's not the first person to say that. Dongdong's facial features are very three-dimensional. At first glance, they really look like mixed race children. "

" not mixed race. " Su Mianmian said, "my brother is lovely."

Bai Jing nodded hard and said, "it's so cute!"

Su Mian hears the words and is very happy. Dongdong is flattered than herself.

When they were talking, Xiao Yuan suddenly stood up and said, "beauty..."

Su Mianmian looks along Chi Xiaoyuan's direction, only to see Chi Xiaoai holding the arm of a boy in his twenties very intimately, eating the hot pot in person.

The food here is usually one pot for one person. They both eat the same food, which is too greasy.

"Ah, this is her boyfriend?" Asked Su Mian.

Bai Jing's expression was a little strange. She said, "isn't this our head teacher?"

The head teacher in the university is actually a life teacher.

Su Mian sniffs the words and looks at them carefully, only to find out that this is the head teacher who just sent them the book yesterday.

"They are a couple!"

"Who knows?" Bai Jing replied lightly, "no matter what they are, let's eat."

But at this time, Xiao Yuan walked towards them and scared Su Mian and them.

"Little circle." Su Mian shouted and followed.

Chi Xiaoyuan goes to Chi Xiaoai's face, and he doesn't speak. He looks at her straight.

Late small love Leng Leng, didn't expect to see her here, just want to get angry, can think of the head teacher beside, then just put down the hate on the face, the whole face is a little deformed, fortunately the head teacher didn't notice this.

Su Mian stretched out his hand to hold the small circle and said, "let's go back."

"Beauty, how do you eat here?" Xiao Yuan asked a confused question.

Chi Xiaoai bit her lips and didn't want to look at her.

"Hello, head teacher. Take your time, and we will I used to eat. " Su Mian plays the round field and pulls the late Xiao Yuan away.

After Chi Xiaoyuan went back, he had no appetite, which really scared Su Mian.

"What's the matter with you?" Su Mian asked worried.

Bai Jing is very calm, she said, "Xiao Yuan, why do you care so much about her? We can't remember her boyfriend's change. Don't think too much. You eat your food. "

Su Mian knew that Chi Xiaoyuan was worried about Chi Xiaoai.

She sighed a little, put the cooked food in her bowl, and said, "yes, don't think about it, Xiao Yuan, hurry to eat."