Su Mian's head is very dim at the moment. For a while, she didn't find that they were the people the instructor called.

Bai Jing stepped out quickly. She looked at Su Mian from the corner of her eyes and noticed that she had not moved. She whispered a warning.

"Mianmian, the instructor called you out."

Su Mian's reaction came back. She hurriedly stepped out, but she didn't know if it was a strong relationship. Suddenly it was dark in front of her eyes, and the whole person fell to the front.

"My God! Su Mian faints! "

The students in front shouted out in fear.

In fact, there are some students who fainted these days, but the unlucky child witnessed the whole process of Su Mian fainting, and still fell at her feet, so he was shocked.

Bai Jing responds quickly, and she quickly recites Su Mian.

When the instructor came over, she said, "instructor, I will send Mianmian to the clinic?"

The instructor was also afraid of what happened to the students. He nodded and said, "go."

Chi Xiaoyuan also ran over at this time and asked, "instructor, can I also go over?"

The instructor just wanted to say, what are you doing?

However, the girl who just shouted said, "they are a dormitory. They have a good relationship all the time. Anyway, Chi Xiaoyuan is not very well. You can go and have a look together."

The instructor glared at her and wanted to say, sister, are you very talkative?

"You are so handsome, instructor!" Said the sister dogleg.

Instructor: "..."

Chi Xiaoyuan saw that Bai Jing had gone for a short distance, but he said anxiously, "actually, I am a little dizzy now..."

"Right! I said Chi Xiaoyuan could go and have a look Well, I'll shut up. " My sister was stared at by the instructor and closed her mouth.

"Go." The instructor said with a paralyzed face.

Now college students are really fragile and intolerant. Fuck


When Bai Jing sent Su Mian to the doctor's room, he found that there were three or five students lying in the doctor's room, and then the beds were full.

She looked around and found that one of her classmates was sitting on the bed playing games, so she walked with Su Mian on her back.

Bai Jing said, "I'm sorry, can you please give up your bed?"

The students who play the game look up at Bai Jing.

It's Chi Xiaoai.

Bai Jing's inner sentence lies in a groove! What kind of fate is this?

Chi Xiaoai is exempt from military training because of her special relationship with the head teacher, but I don't know why she came to the clinic.

"No, I don't feel well." Late small love decisively refused.

Bai Jing looks at her affectation. She is too lazy to say another word to her. She wants to go to the teacher to deal with Su Mian on her back.

At this time, the girl in the bed in front of Chi Xiaoai couldn't look down, sat up and said.

"Classmate, you come to me. I've almost finished my drip."

Bai Jing looked at it and found that there was not much left in this kind classmate. She replied, "thank you. I'm Bai Jing from the Chinese department. If you need any help, please come to me."

"It's just a small thing." As she said that, she let her position out.

Bai Jing carefully put Su Mian on the bed and unbuttoned the button on her chest. As she was trying to find a teacher, she saw that Chi Xiaoyuan came and said, "Xiaoyuan, take a look at Mian Mian."

Chi Xiaoyuan nodded and said yes.