Su Mian and Bai Jing stop talking and open the door.

Suddenly the door opened and a tall man came in.

He is very handsome, but his expression is very cold, his aura is very strong, but his eyes do not know what he saw, suddenly become gentle.

Su Mian opened her mouth slightly in shock.

Why is uncle here?!

Is it too late to cover your face with a quilt and pretend that you don't exist?

Su Mian thought of doing it right away. She quickly turned the quilt over and covered her face.

Bai Jing is frightened to see her appearance suddenly. She reaches out to pull Su Mian's quilt and says, "Mian, let go of it quickly. You have not got heatstroke yet! It will be breathless. "

Huoting walked to Su Mian's bed in three or two steps. He looked at Bai Jing's hand displeased and said coldly, "let go, I'll come."

Bai Jing is frightened by Huo Ting's cold voice and releases her hand.

Su Mian naturally heard it clearly. Knowing that huoting was in front of her, she thought about it and relaxed her strength.

Huoting easily lifted Su's quilt.

Su Mian cried pitifully, "uncle, you are here." I hope you can understand me.

She hasn't told the students in the dormitory that she is married and has a five-year-old son's paper.

"Uncle?" Huo Ting picked his eyebrows, and his tone was colder.

Bai Jing thinks that the air conditioner doesn't need to be turned on after the handsome man comes.

Huo Ting comes here. Naturally, he won't come here alone. He just goes faster.

Yes, the doctors and nurses he brought here.

"Huo Shao." The doctor gasped and said, "is that the lady?"

Huo Ting gives Su Mian a cold stare, which means that he will settle accounts with you later.

He made way for the doctor to examine Su Mian.

Su Mianmian thinks Huo Ting is making a fuss. She says, "I'm ok. I've already prescribed medicine."

"Shut up! People who make themselves dizzy are not qualified to speak. " Huo Ting said, and told the doctor, "check her carefully."

The doctor naturally listened to Huo Ting, and he replied, "OK, Huo Shao."

Su Mianmian is being examined. Huo Ting takes a moment to take care of her little white face.

When he just came in, he could see clearly how close the little white face was to the little sheep?! How happy they are talking and laughing!

"What's your name?" Hoting asked coldly.

Bai Jing knows the identity of huoting from the conversation just now.

Although Su Mian's uncle was too young, she was still an elder, so she immediately replied.

"My name is Bai Jing. I'm from a dormitory."

A dormitory

Huo Ting's eyes were sharp, and he glanced up and down at Bai Jing. It was not a small white face, but a woman

The air conditioning on him is a little more subdued.

What's wrong with women in this world? It's better to be a little sheep of Xia's family.

Be obedient No, I'm not obedient today. I fainted!

Bai Jing didn't know what Huo Ting was thinking. She said, "are you an uncle? Hello uncle, I often hear about you. "

Huo Ting said, "is that right? What did she say about me? "

He's an uncle! It seems that this account should be well calculated with the little sheep.