The door opened, and a young girl with blonde curly hair and green eyes came in. She was holding a tray with delicate teapots and cups on it. It seemed that it was prepared for Su Mian and them.

Just, when she saw Su Mian and Dongdong wake up, she cried excitedly, "my God! They wake up! Come quickly! "

Although she speaks dialect, Su Mian doesn't understand it, but it's easy to guess from her actions that she's calling for someone to come.

Sure enough, a minute later, a doctor like man came in.

He held out his hand toward Dongdong and said, "brave boy, can I help you to have a look?"

He said English, Dongdong understood, but he didn't reach out, but asked, "where is this? Why do you kidnap me and my mommy? "

The doctor smiled and said, "I know you have a lot of questions, but this is not something I can solve. Wait Someone will tell you that what I want to tell you is that we will not hurt you. Now, can I help you to have a look? "

Dongdong looked at him doubtfully and said, "no, I don't believe you. What if you take the opportunity to give me medicine?"

The doctor said helplessly, "don't worry, I'm a doctor with professional ethics, just to help you do a test."

"But you won't answer my question directly."

Seeing that Dong Dong refused to cooperate, the doctor said to the people behind him, "I'm sorry, I tried my best, but the little prince refused to cooperate. I couldn't do a more detailed examination of him. Only from his reaction, I can guarantee that he is very quick in thinking and definitely surpasses the average children of his age..."

Su Mian heard that they began to say something they didn't understand. She asked Dong Dong in a low voice and said, "Dong Dong, can you understand them?"

"Now they can't understand it. They can only understand it when they speak English." Dong Dong pointed to the doctor and said, "the man said he was a doctor and wanted to help me with the examination, but he would not answer any questions I asked him."

"What kind of examination do you want?" Su Mian asked worried.

When she was a child, because of the particularity of blood, she had suffered a lot in this respect, so she could not help thinking more when she listened to the examination.

Dongdong shook his head and said, "I don't know. Why don't I ask him?"

Su Mian nodded.

"Hey, doctor, do you want to help me with my examination? What kind of examination is it? " Winter asked.

The doctor smelled the words and smiled back, "it's just a little physical examination to confirm your current physical condition."

As soon as he finished, Dongdong was sure that he was lying. He said, "you are lying. I hate dishonest adults."

Doctor: "..." In the face of a kid who is a little kid, he is really helpless.

The housekeeper said, "doctor, why don't you wait a moment? I'll get in touch with the prince and wait for him to come back?"

"Well, that seems to be the only way."

Then, several people discussed next and retreated, only left to discover they wake up small maid.

"What do you want to eat? I can prepare it for you. " Her English is not very standard. Dongdong listened to it several times before she understood it.

Dongdong turns to Su Mian and says, "BAABAA, she said that she can help us prepare food and ask us what we want to eat? Can we eat? "

He felt his stomach as he said it. He was a little hungry.