Su Mian touched the black line on his forehead and said, "honey, I think the point now is to find out where we are? It's up to you. "

Dong Dong patted his chest and said, "it's on me!"

Finish saying, Dong Dong immediately turns on the computer.

Computers are all in English. Fortunately, Dongdong has been bilingual since he was a child. English is not difficult for him.

He quickly opens the control page and controls it.

Su Mian watched the numbers on the page flash quickly, and she was more and more impressed with Dongdong.

Dongdong is really a little genius!

After a while, Dongdong said, "this belongs to the field of country D. I need to check more details. However, it will take more than ten hours by plane from huaguoguang. How did we get here?"

Su Mian hears the words, in a surprise, says, "can you contact uncle?"

Dongdong's fingers are still moving fast, saying, "I'm still in couplet Eh! Uncle Er is here. Let me tell him something about it... "

Just as Dongdong's words were finished, the door of the room was suddenly opened.

Dongdong stops pointing.

Coming in was a man in his forties, with a very serious expression. He said, "how can I give them the computer?"

"Sorry, i..."

"Go and get it back!" He said angrily.

The little maid came over with a frightened face and said to Dongdong, "sorry, I want to recycle the computer."

Dongdong grows up and looks at the sudden changes.

"Come with me, please. The prince has something to say to you." He said in English.

Dongdong reaches for Su Mian's hand and says, "no, I want to be with my mommy. I don't want to leave my mommy."

I don't know that his words stimulated the man. He suddenly became fierce and said, "she's not..."

"Czech, calm down!" A man behind said loudly. He reached out and patted him on the shoulder. He said to Dongdong, "no problem, please come with us."

Dongdong's hand held Su's hand tightly and said, "BAABAA, they are going to take us to see their leader."

Su Mian took Dongdong back and said, "don't be afraid of Dongdong."

Although she is also afraid, she should set an example and not show her fear in front of Dongdong.

They held hands, let the man named Czech show his nose, and said, "I don't know who my mother is."

"Hey, be careful what you say. I know you're about sharama Forget it. Don't talk about it. Take them to see the prince. "


When I walked out of the room, I found that this place was so big, and there were servants all around. If they wanted to escape, it would be impossible.

Su Mian watched secretly as she walked. The more she saw, the more strange she felt. The people here were all black, but they were not black. It seemed that they were of Arab origin.

The group walked for about ten minutes and stopped at the door of a room.

"Please go in." The guide made a gesture.

Su Mianmian and Dong Dong Dong look at each other. They see uneasiness in each other's eyes. What happens after they go in?

Su took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

A man in a white robe had his back to them.