"What?!" Su Mian was shocked and said, "Huo Chen is Dong Dong's father?! Are you sure not Is it wrong? "

How could that be? Although Huo Ting always said that he would beat Dongdong when he could not move, he just shouted every time.

As long as he wants something in winter and winter, Huo Ting will go to meet it. But Huo Ting asks him to go to school every day and not to play truant.

Their previous emotions, even their own father can't do it, right?

But now hamandan tells her that uncle and Dongdong are not father-child relationship, which can not surprise Su Mian.

"I must have got the evidence, but I don't need to show it to you. If you have any questions, please ask Mr. Huo." Hamandon smiled and said, "I want to tell you that I'm RAH's uncle, and we have an agreement in hand. RAH's custody should be returned to me You've occupied lah for so many years. Enough It's time to let him go. "

Return to the original owner

Who did the foreigner learn Chinese from?

"These are just one-sided words..." If it's as simple as hamandon said, why does he kidnap Dongdong directly? Instead of talking directly to hoting.

Su Mian has gone through these things. Now she thinks that things will not be as simple as before. She will always think more.

"One sided words?" Hamandan touched his handsome face in a daze and asked, "noodles or my face?"

Su Mianmian: "..."

"Your Chinese is really broad and profound. I'm still a little confused about your words now. Can you speak more frankly?"

Su Mianmian said, "please contact Huo ting for me, thank you."

Hamandon understood this sentence, and he said, "don't worry about being a guest here. He should come here soon. By the way, state D has a beautiful beach. You can play with RAH. I believe that RAH will soon fall in love with it... "


After su Mian's conversation with Harman Dan, someone took her back to the room.

Dongdong puffed up the face of Baozi and waited for her. He asked angrily, "Baa Baa, why did you come back so late?"

He just ran out on purpose and thought BAABAA would come out with him. As a result, he waited at the door for a while and didn't see baa.

Su Mian looks at Dong Dong and remembers what Harman just said. She is a little upset. She smiles and says, "I just let him contact uncle, so..."

"Is daddy coming?" Hearing Huo Ting's name, Dong Dong doesn't worry about Su Mian's late return. He excitedly says, "I miss daddy so much..."

"Well, uncle will be here soon..." Su Mian hugs Dongdong with strength and says softly, "then he will take us home."

Dongdong is a very smart and sensitive child. After hearing Su Mian's words, he thought about it and said, "BAABAA, don't worry, I'm a man who is very responsible for what he does! You are the woman I choose, I will not want you... "

Su Mian suddenly feels like beating Dong Dong. How can he break it?

Originally very sad mood, by him such a muddle, pour is not so afflictive.

"Dongdong, I think you should really learn how to use vocabulary." She reached out and pinched Dong Dong's face.