"Boss, do you want to leave?"

However, the eldest brother in his mouth was surrounded by several friends of Huo Zun before responding.

A young man with red hair chewed gum and said, "Hey, it's hard to come here and play. Do you want to play in the end? What's the matter with temporary retreat?"

And another white man with triangular eyes obviously didn't have his good temper. He beat them down directly, turned around and said, "nonsense what?! Let's start the fight first. "

A snap.

Two more fell on the enemy side.

"You barbarians are always so rude," said a very petite blonde with a smile

There was silence.

Yes, you're not rude. Just shoot!

During the conversation, only the commander was left.

Huo Zun came over and pointed the gun to his head. He said with a gentle smile, "who told you to come here?"

“……” The man was stupefied, and replied, "Prince Harman."

Huo Zun raised his foot and kicked him hard in the knee. He fell to his knees.

"I'll ask you again. If you make me feel like you're lying, I don't mind taking drugs on you."

The man had been sweating on his forehead, and his eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness.

When Huo Zun lifted his hand and forcefully removed his chin, it was a step too late. He even took the poison capsule that he had prepared in front of his teeth and committed suicide.

"Don't worry, Zun. I just showed mercy." The blonde lolly girl kicked the two enemies who were shot in front of her.

Those two people were red haired youth with don't know what thing blocked the mouth, can't carry on suicidal behavior.

"Let's go! First take my sister-in-law to a safe place. " Huo Zun said.

At this time, the Arab local tyrant who had already paid the money came and said excitedly, "let's go! I've prepared a good place for you. It's my eighty sixth seven star hotel. Before it's opened, I'll bring it to entertain you! What about? Are you friends? "

Huo Zun jumps over him directly and comes to Su Mian's side. He says to Su Mian, "elder sister-in-law, let me hold you in winter and winter."

Su Mianmian didn't know what happened to them. He only knew that after Huo Zun's friends came, those who had been chasing them seemed to be "beaten" soon.

Dongdong blinked and asked excitedly, "uncle, are they the people you said?"

Huo Zun nodded slightly and said, "I'll introduce you later."

He took Dongdong in his arms, but when he touched Su Mian's arm, Su Mian shrank unnaturally.

Huo Zun immediately grabs Su Mian's arm.

The color of the black cape doesn't show at all, but he feels wet!

It's over! Sister in law is hurt!

Big brother will kill him!

Huo Zun just faced so many people, his face did not change, but now he found Su Mian was injured, and his face turned white.

He said, "I'm sorry to offend you, sister-in-law. Let me see your..."

But before he finished speaking, Su Mian fainted.

Huo Zun quickly holds her.

Dongdong was also frightened. He said, "uncle, hurry to let me down."

Huo Zun lets Dongdong stand by himself. He carefully uncovers Su Mian's shawl and sees that Su Mian's right arm has been wiped by a bullet. The wound is not deep, but the length is very long.

He has only one idea at the moment. It's over!