After beating his younger brother, Huo Ting went back to Su Mian's ward to look after her, and gave her a lecture.

In fact, he was a little unsure how much Harman had said to Dongdong, but he didn't seem to know just after watching Dongdong's performance

After all, no matter how broad-minded people are, nothing can happen?

He said coldly, "you know what's wrong?"

Winter winter forehead a black line across, this sentence how so familiar?

Isn't that what he just said to the second uncle?

Dongdong straightens his attitude and says with an expression of modesty and education, "dad knows it's wrong. I shouldn't have run away from home! I promise I won't dare next time! "

"Want another time?!"

Dongdong shook his head hard and said, "there will never be another time."

Huo Ting looked at him coldly and asked directly, "what did Harman tell you?" Euphemism is not the way they get along with each other. Dongdong has many ideas since he was a child. He always treats him as an adult to communicate.

Hearing this, Dong Dong looked at huoting and asked, "what he said Are they all true? "

Huo Ting's face did not change. At first sight, he knew that the child was trying to catch up with him.

He asked, "what did he say?"

Dongdong sipped his mouth and said, "he said he is my uncle Daddy, did you really sleep with a princess? How are you! "

Huo Ting sees that Dongdong begins to talk nonsense again. His forehead is blue and sinews are raised. He reaches out to knock on Dongdong's forehead and says, "speak well." It seems that hamandan didn't tell him

I don't know why Harman did this, but

Huoting looked at Dongdong's relaxed face and thought, maybe hamandon also wants to make Dongdong happy, whether it's the child of his sister or not

Dongdong covers his forehead and suddenly says seriously, "Abby, if you are worried about the impact of this event on me, don't worry. I have no memory of the so-called uncle. You brought me up, and the princess Although she didn't mean to leave me, but I have no feelings for her, I, I still like BAABAA...... "

Dongdong's words in fact show his attitude towards his biological mother and his feelings need to be managed. Even if there is a reason for the lack of his life for so many years, but if he doesn't participate, he doesn't participate. Now, what's the matter if he wants to take him back?

Dongdong is not stupid. On the contrary, he is very refined. He thinks there must be a big cat in it.

Moreover, the most important thing is that he likes BAABAA very much. Although she is very young, he feels the maternal love he has been longing for in her.

Huo Ting reached out and rubbed Dong Dong's head and said, "I know Leave the rest to me. "

Dongdong nods her head cleverly.

"I'll ask Chen CE to take you back to the hotel for a rest and come back tomorrow." Hoting said.

After a day's running, Dongdong is really tired, but he looks at Su Mian and doesn't want to go.

He wants to talk to BAABAA

"I don't have the energy to take care of two people." Huo Ting said, "Dongdong, you are a big kid. Would you help Abby and take care of yourself?"

As soon as Dongdong heard Huo Ting's words, he clapped his chest and said, "OK! Daddy, don't worry! I promise to be obedient! "