Su Mian got off the plane, felt the air of China, and felt comfortable all over!

Great! Finally back to s city!

Dongdong sleeps all the way back on the plane. His eyes are still hazy. He rubs his eyes and continues to sleep on huoting's shoulder.

At the exit, Su Mian asked, "uncle, I want to go back to school. Can I have someone to see me off?"

Hearing this, Huo Ting said, "it's eight o'clock now. Do you want to go back?"

He's a little upset, but he doesn't show it. They haven't had time to be alone all the time. He just wants to have a good relationship with little sheep in the evening. This meeting is about to run. He still has a connection with Mao?

It's natural to leave people behind first.

Su Mian nodded and said, "it's already started. I don't want to miss too many classes. If I go back now, I can have tomorrow's class."

Although the lack of military training before was a compelling reason, she actually had a little regret in her heart, so she didn't want to lack any more courses.

The most important thing is, she also wants snow white and Chi Xiaoyuan.

The two of them are her first good friends. She cherishes their friendship very much.

Huo Ting's eyes darkened, and he said naturally, "I don't think it's going to work tonight. I can't get the car ready."

"That's it!" Su Mian was a little lost and said, "it's OK not to send me to do high-speed rail."

The high-speed rail from city s to City h is very convenient. There is a shift in almost half an hour.

After hearing Su Mian's words, Huo Ting was even more upset. He raised Su Mian's chin and asked, "don't you want to live at home for one night?"

Su Mian said, I don't understand how it became like this.

"I don't mean that. I just want to go to class early."

"That's what you mean." Hoting said coldly.

Su Mian looks at huoting's eyes, and suddenly feels like a basin of cold water has been splashed on her heart.

Every time, she doesn't mean that. Why does uncle misinterpret her every time?!

Su Mian was really a little angry, especially when she saw Huo Ting looking at herself so fiercely.

"I can't help it if you think so." Su Mian said one by one, "I'll take the car myself, you don't have to send it."

He who has the best temper will be angry!

Huo Ting is slightly shocked. He doesn't expect that the little sheep will refute himself in public. Generally speaking, he should coax the little sheep when he is angry? As a responsible wife, that's the right thing to do? (what the hell? Isn't that good?)

He reacts very quickly and holds Su Mian's hand. He is unwilling to let go. He needs to calm down a little bit. Anyway, it's right not to let go first!

Su Mian is a little annoyed to break away, but huoting doesn't let people go, and they are in a stalemate.

Dongdong can't see it. In fact, he was asleep. As a result, the two adults were talking. When they were angry, the voice was not small, so he woke up.

When he woke up, he didn't get up. He was lying on Huo Ting's body and pretending to sleep. He had to worry about whether he would fall down accidentally by his father.

"You two are enough! I can't even watch it! " Dongdong raised his head and said.

Su Mian was quarreling with Huo Ting, but when she heard Dongdong's sudden words, she stopped and looked at Dongdong.