Bai Jing has always been dressed in a neutral way. The color is either black or white. But for the sake of tonight's friendship, she specially changed a pink shirt, Black Slim pants under her body, and combed her hair. She looks very handsome.

As soon as she spoke, her sister was afraid to look at people.

Bai Jing frowned slightly, thinking, isn't this girl mute?

"Can I sit down?" She asked again.

"Yes, yes." My sister's heart leaped, and she quickly moved her position to the side.

But Bai Jing sat in the middle of the elder sister and the elder student. The elder student would cry in his heart. He could not find a younger student easily and talked happily with him. At this time, a handsome and compelling younger student came, and he was out of the game.

"Senior, what's your name? Where is it from? " Bai Jing asked directly.

The schoolmaster replied discontentedly, "why do you ask this?" Does the rival want to humiliate himself?

"I like you." Bai Jing didn't feel embarrassed about this sentence at all. When she said it, she even had bright eyes and looked straight at the senior.

The schoolmaster suddenly stood up, his face red, he said loudly, "I'm not interested in men."

He's very straight, OK?!

Bai Jing is slightly stunned and replies, "Oh, but I'm interested in men, especially you."

The schoolmaster was frightened by her boldness, and his face was not good. He saw everyone's eyes looking at him, especially the good primary school sister who had just talked. His eyes were full of deep meaning, and he could not help but look at Bai Jing severely, and then he turned around and ran away.

"Ah, senior..." Bai Jing is confused.

What's the matter?! Why did the senior suddenly run away?

Xuemei looked at Baijing with a complicated face and said, "I can't imagine that I can see the taboo love in reality I will not discriminate against you, I hope you can come on! Catch up with the person you like as soon as possible. Don't worry, I won't compete with you for a long time... " Then she got up and left.

Bai Jing even heard her say, why do all the handsome guys go to stir the foundation?

Su Mian saw from the beginning to the end, naturally knowing that they had misunderstood, she couldn't help holding her stomach and laughing.

Xiaoyuan also has a smile on his mouth.

Bai Jing did it alone for a while, and thought about what happened just now. Then she realized that they had misunderstood something.

"I, I am not!" She stood up and was about to rush out to explain to the two men.

Su Mian reaches for her hand and stops her, whispers, "forget it, don't you like the other one?"

Bai Jing said dispirited, "farewell, I'm afraid to be treated as the same again. Sexual love. Am I so much like a man? "

Su Mian hesitated for a moment, or nodded seriously.

Bai Jing couldn't bear to say, "shouldn't I be comforted as a friend at this time? How can you tell the truth? "

"Well, Xiaojing, you are not a man at all." Su Mian said sincerely, "you are more handsome than men!"

"That is!" Bai Jing was amused by Su Mian's words. She said, "if I were a man, I would marry you. Come, give me a kiss."

Su Mian put out his hand and pushed away Bai Jing's mouth, saying, "even if you are a man, I will not marry you." Because she already has an uncle.

"What?! I'm willing to be a man for you. Do you still dislike me? "