Will this be her?

Song Qing's heart is full of joy!

Ten years! Will he meet her here before he can find out about her in s city?

Zhao Wenyu looked at his cousin who had been indifferent to all things with a surprised expression, and then saw him coming to Su Mian's face. He asked, "brother Huan? What's the matter with you? "

But song Qinghuan didn't pay attention to Zhao Wenyu. He raised Su Mian's head and looked at it carefully for a while. He asked, "what's your name?"

Su Mian opened her eyes and couldn't see the person in front of her. She frowned and said, "who are you?"

Song Qinghuan replied, "I found your ID card. Now I want to make sure it's you."

"Well! Thank you so much! " Su Mianmian said gratefully, "my name is Su Mian, and my ID card number is XXXXXXXX..."

"S city people?" Song Qinghuan asked.

"Yes!" Su Mian returns.

Good! Little sheep, I found you!

Song Qinghuan smiled.

Zhao Wenyu, on one side, grew up with a big mouth, so brother Huan lied without blinking!

But why did he cheat this girl so much?

Although his stomach was full of doubts, Zhao Wenyu didn't say a word and continued to watch the gossip silently.

"What about my ID card, Mr. policeman?" Su Mian asked.

"It's in your bag." Song Qing said happily, "I just gave it back to you."

"Is it? Why don't I remember? " Su Mian opened the bag and looked at it. He found the ID card in his wallet and said, "it's really there! I'm sorry, I don't remember. "

Song Qinghuan looks at Su Mian's ID card and is more sure that she is the one she is looking for.

"It doesn't matter. By the way, where do you live? I'll take you home. "

"No way! I can't go home yet. "


"Because..." Su Mian hesitated for a moment and whispered, "I'm going to join the fellowship! Friendship you know?! It's just that we all eat and drink together! You can still have a boyfriend! "


Song Qinghuan's eyes were cold, but his tone was very gentle. He said, "I also want to participate. Would you take me with you?"

"You?" Su Mian looks at him hard and says, "but This is the only way for students from H University to participate. You are not... "

It turns out that she went to H University.

"Me too." He will be a student of H University in a minute.

"That's all right. Come with me!" Su replied with a smile.

"Huan, brother Huan, do you really want to join that Fellowship?" Zhao Wenyu felt that the current development has exceeded his acceptance ability!

What kind of plot is this? Song Qinghuan, who has never been close to the world of fireworks, even went to join the friendship?!

Is that better than someone telling him that the sun will come out from the west tomorrow?

He looked at Su Mian, and thought that although she was a good-looking girl, she was not so gorgeous? At most, it's a cute type of girl. How can brother Huan change her personality? This makes coco sister, who has been chasing brother Huan for ten years, feel good?!

"Go home first! By the way, keep your mouth shut. " Song Qinghuan said with a smile.

Zhao Wenyu was stared by him, then nodded his head obediently, saying that he would not say a word more when he went back.

(sorry, I started to have a cold the day before yesterday. I have a fever. It's only good today. Now I'll renew it. I'll keep a minimum at four o'clock every day ~)