"No? When does Mianmian have a boyfriend? " Bai Jing's face was shocked.

Song Qinghuan looked at them with a smile and said, "we are childhood sweethearts. We grew up together when we were children. Later, something happened in my family and we went abroad. We came back not long ago Didn't Mianmian tell you about me? "

Bai Jing shakes her head.

"She may be shy." Song Qinghuan said.

Bai Jing looks at Song Qinghuan's very natural words. Although she has doubts in her heart, she doesn't say "let Su Mian down".

"Shall we go back first?" She said.

Song Qinghuan naturally has no objection.

Some of them were about to go out when they were stopped by their long-standing sister.

"Wait, the fraternity is about to start. Where are you going?"

Bai Jing said with a smile, "Hey, sister, my roommate is drunk. I want to send her back first."

"I can't. all the men and women here are matched. How can you match the rest of the boys if you lose three people at once?" The elder sister said discontentedly.

"Sister..." Bai Jing said in embarrassment.

"No discussion!" The student sister said decisively, "besides, didn't someone send it? Is it necessary for the three of you to disappear together? You two stay with me. "


"No, but!"

"Then you stay! I'll take Mianmian back. " Song Qinghuan said.

"No way! You can't get into a girl's dormitory. " Bai Jing said fiercely, "elder martial sister, I'll send Mian back first, and then I'll come right away, OK?"

Many years later, Bai Jing recalled that day, and she was very grateful for her persistence.

Xuejie is frightened by Bai Jing's fierce appearance. She is stunned and replies, "OK! I'll put off for you for half an hour. Wait a minute. You remember coming back. "

"All right!" Bai Jing grinned. She turned to Chi Xiaoyuan and said, "don't go back, Xiaoyuan. It's here."

Xiao Yuan also wants to go with her. She has no interest in friendship, but

Everyone looks fierce.

She nodded in tears.


It was not a good time to take a taxi. The three waited for a long time before a taxi came. Song Qinghuan carefully put Su Mian in the back position. When he had just put it in place, Bai Jing reached out and pulled him away, took the lead in sitting in, and said to him, "please sit in front, man."

Song Qinghuan takes a look at her, hooks her mouth, and goes to the vice driver's seat to sit down.

Bai Jing reported the address of the school. She rolled down the car window. The wind was a little strong at night. She came face to face and woke up Su Mian, who had been confused.

She opened her eyes and asked, "eh, Xiaojing, how are we going back?"

Bai Jing said, "you're drunk. I'll take you back first."

"I'm drunk?" "But did I drink?"

Bai Jing replied, "well, close your eyes and go on sleeping until I call you."

Su Mian Oh, continued to close his eyes.

In fact, Bai Jing just said it casually, but she never thought that Su Mian really fell asleep obediently.

Bai Jing: "..."

Trough! Is it so lovely to be drunk? Do what you want?!

Song Qinghuan, the vice driver, looks at this scene with a smile. He reaches out his hand and gently presses his chest. His heart beats very fast

Mianmian, I haven't seen you for so many years. You are the same as before.