But even if there is doubt in her heart, Bai Jing dare not ask her face to face. She said, "when I hang up, I'll do what you said." So, uncle, just hang up the phone.


I don't know that Bai Jing's words touched Huo Ting, and his tone was even worse. He asked, "how much do you call?"


Why do so many people ask her for a phone call today?! She doesn't feel happy at all how to break it?

“138xxxxxxx……” Bai Jing replied respectfully.

When she had finished speaking, Huo Ting hung up immediately.

Bai Jing put down the phone and muttered in a sympathetic mood.

"My uncle is really It's hard. No wonder she didn't dare say anything to him... " Now she finally understands why Su Mianmian covers huoting every time she mentions it. There is such a domineering parent that she doesn't want to say anything more.

Huoting's phone call made Bai Jing dare not go to the friendship again. She made a phone call to the student sister and said a lot of good words. Finally The student sister is still angry. QAQ!

Fortunately, Su Mian is very clever after getting drunk, and doesn't need to be taken care of. After an hour, huoting calls again to make sure that Su Mian has no problem, and then hangs up.

Bai Jing is used to it.

and the "song of the man", who was called "boyfriend", also called her to make complaints about Su's continuous situation.

After hearing this, song Nanshen appeased Bai Jing and said that he would not be able to come here tomorrow morning, so he asked Bai Jing to take care of Su Mian.

Bai Jing naturally agreed.

This night, for Bai Jing, had a special time be busy.


The next day, Su Mian woke up and felt a little headache. She looked at the ceiling stupidly and couldn't remember how she came back yesterday

Her last impression seems to be talking to Xiao Yuan, and then? And what did she do?

"Continuous, how do you feel?" Bai Jing asked, lying beside her bed.

Su Mian turns around and sees that the black circles under her eyes can catch up with panda national treasure. She is shocked and asks, "didn't you sleep well last night?"

"Stop talking about me." Bai Jing waved and said, "do you still have pain in your head?"

Su Mian sat up and said, "one thing, did I get drunk last night?"

Bai Jing nodded and said, "take another antidote on the table."

Su Mian listened to her, and knew that she must have taken care of herself last night. She said apologetically, "I bothered you last night. Xiaojing, go to mend your sleep."

Bai Jing yawned and said, "well, I won't go to class this morning. Xiao Yuan is still sleeping. She came back late last night..."

"OK, you can have a rest. I'll pack the meal back to the dormitory for you at noon."

Bai Jing is not polite to Su Mian either. After saying these words, she climbs up to mend her sleep.

Su Mianmian gets up and cleans herself up after taking the medicine to understand the wine. She closes the door gently.

There are not many courses in the University. In the morning, there are usually two classes. Only Wednesday and Thursday have four classes.

Today's teachers are also good at talking and don't like to call names, so Bai Jing and her parents dare to skip class.

However, I don't know what happened today. The teacher even called the roll for the first time.