“…… All right. " Song Qinghuan said with a smile.

Su Mian looked at him and said, "Huanhuan, do you know? When you just answered my question, you hesitated for half a second. "

Song Qinghuan smiled again and said, "I had an operation a few years ago, and now I'm almost recovered." He didn't explain the problem too much.

Su Mian nodded and thought of the things when he was a child. He couldn't help but feel sad. He said, "the body is really important. We must take good care of it."

When I was a child, Huanhuan often couldn't get out of the door. She took more medicine than rice.

Song Qinghuan sees Su Mian's expression and knows what she thinks. He smiles and feels her concern.

"Do you have a class this afternoon?" Song Qinghuan asked.

"Yes, there are classes at 2:30 in the afternoon. I have a look at the time Ah, the cell phone is dead. " She looked up and asked song Qinghuan, "Huanhuan, what time is it now?"

"It's almost two o'clock. I'll take you back first." He replied.

"No, it's so close here. I can go back by myself." Su Mianmian said, "let's see you next time."

Song Qinghuan smiled and walked out with Su Mian.


Su Mianmian comes back to school and forgets to bring lunch to Xiaojing. Then she rushes to the canteen to have a meal, hoping that there is still a meal to fight at this point.


Ah, why do the people in front of you look so familiar?

"Uncle?" Su Mian cried in a low voice.

The other side looks up at Su Mian and looks at him. Yes, he is uncle.

Su Mian hurriedly ran over and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

Huo Ting looked up and down at her sharply and said, "where have you been?"

"Ah..." Su Mian Leng Leng, back, "I went to eat."

"With whom? Where did you go? Why is the phone off? " Huo Ting asked three questions quickly.


Although it's not the peak time of lunch, my uncle is really dazzling. There are many onlookers around.

Su Mian wiped his face and said in a low voice, "uncle, there are many people here. Let's talk in another place."

This matter, Bai Jing walked out from the dining hall, saw Su mianmianmian, said excitedly, "Mianmian you are here! We've been looking for you for a day and thought something was wrong with you Your uncle is terrible. When I saw him in the dormitory, I had to pee, OK? "

When Bai Jing said this, she didn't even breathe.

"Sorry, my uncle..." Su Mian stealthily takes a look at Huo ting. Seeing that he is still staring at himself, he quickly changes his mouth and says, "he is so cool and handsome!"


"But, just come back. I'll leave first. Goodbye!" Bai Jing simply left Su Mian.

Su Mian can't even say goodbye until he sees her back like wind.

“……” You don't need to run so fast?

Hoting said coldly, "little sheep, let's go. You still owe me a lot of explanation!"

Su Mian looked up at Huo Ting's expression and asked, "uncle, are you angry?" It looks like I'm angry.

She doesn't understand that uncle is angry? Is it because her cell phone is dead?

"No." Hoting said.

But his tone doesn't look like nothing?!