Hearing this, the optician asked his glasses to slide down again and said, "what do you say to the president? Don't care about face at this time, do you? "

"No way! Face, of course! " Snow White firmly said, "it's a big deal, but we can't lose face."

“……” The spectacled man was speechless.

After thinking about it, Bai Xue said to everyone, "well, let's go to lunch in batches first, Mianmian. You and Xiao Jing will go first."

Su Mianmian heard that, and stood up with Bai Jing and said, "OK."


They went to the dining hall early, so there were not many people. Su Mian and her parents soon bought what they wanted to eat and began to eat in their seats.

After eating the lunch box, Bai Jing wiped her mouth and asked, "Mianmian, will you go back later?"

Su Mian raised his head and said, "of course, I want to go back. Isn't Xiaojing going back?"

Bai Jing said, "you see, no one came to sign up at all, so you don't need so many people to stay there. I want to go back to sleep. Last night, I played the game too late. I still feel sleepy..."

"This Not very well? " Su Mianmian still wants to persuade Bai Jing to go back.

Because the elder sister said let them out to eat first. If they don't go back, the elder sister will be angry.

"I'm not afraid. If my sister asks me, you will say that I have diarrhea when I feel sick..." Bai Jing said.

"Xiaojing, do you really want to do this?" Su Mianmian said, "the student sister knows that she will be angry..."

She has seen her sister beating Xiaojing, which is not merciful at all.

Bai Jing hears the words and is silent for a while. She discovers the tragedy. Su Mianmian is telling the truth. The witch is in a bad mood. If she really does this? Doesn't it provide a reason for the witch to beat herself up?


"Come on, you think I didn't say anything." Bai Jing gave in, she said, "there is no one in the conference hall anyway. I'll lie down there and sleep well later."

“……” That's fine?!

After lunch, they went to zhaoxinhui, but when they came to zhaoxinhui, they suddenly heard someone calling Su Mian's name.

When Su Mian heard the words, it turned out to be song Qinghuan.

Song Qinghuan is still surrounded by a man about 30 years old. He is very gentle.

"Happy." Su Mian came to him with a smile and asked, "Why are you here?"

As soon as Su Mian came out, people beside song Qinghuan couldn't help being curious about Su Mian. He looked at her with deep meaning.

"I'll do something." Song Qinghuan said with a smile, turning to the man who was watching, "by the way, aren't you busy? You can leave. "

This is a disguised drive

The man was a little disappointed and said, "OK, I'll go back first Goodbye. "

Song Qinghuan nodded lightly.

After the man left, Su blinked and asked, "what are you busy with? I didn't disturb you, did I? "

Song Qing laughed and said, "it's OK. He is my father's secretary. He came to help me with the formalities. By the way, Mianmian, I officially transferred to school. Are you happy?"

After his words, Su Mianmian hasn't responded yet, but Bai Jing is surprised and says, "what?! The God of science and technology is coming to our school? "