Su Mian sat down, but did not see Bai Jing. She asked, "eh, how about Xiao Jing?"

The light in the cinema is dim, so it's not convenient to find people. Su Mian looks around and can't recognize where Bai Jing is.

"She sits apart from us." Song Qinghuan explained simply, "I'm sorry, the ticket I bought was too late. There are no three connected tickets. I can only buy them separately for two hours, doesn't it matter?"

Huanhuan said so. Su Mian shook her head and put her cell phone back.

As he said, it's only two hours.

But Bai Jing is thrown into the corner by song Qinghuan, who is black in the stomach. She chews the popcorn hard to express her hatred and curses song Qinghuan silently in her heart.

Trough! Song Manshen, your heart is really small! As for this?!


At the beginning of the movie, Song Qing chose a campus movie. The leading men and women met and fell in love on campus. Then they separated for family reasons. Many years later, the two met again and found that their favorite was each other and together again Such a story.

The film's male and female owners are the most popular little fresh meat and curtilage men and goddesses. Although their acting skills are a little rough, but their face is invincible. In addition to the campus story, they have a special sense of substitution in the post-90s.

Therefore, the box office of this play has always been high.

Su Mian could not help crying when she saw the scene of the separation of the two men and women.

Song Qinghuan hands her the handkerchief.

Su Mian took over, said thank you, and began to wipe tears.

Song Qinghuan carefully helped her take the popcorn and whispered, "it's all fake."

"I know..." Su Mian whispered back, "but I'm still a little sad If only they didn't separate. "

Yes! Continuous, if only we could never separate?


At the end of the movie, Su Mian and song Qinghuan came out and saw Bai Jing waiting for them at the gate of the movie.

Seeing Su Mian's eyes red, Bai Jing immediately angrily pulls Mian to his back. The angry nature asks, "what did you do to Mian?"

Song Qinghuan shows her hands and looks at her awkwardly.

Su Mian hurriedly reached for Bai Jing's hand and said, "Xiao Jing, I just watched the movie and cried!"

God! What a shame!

"Ah?" Bai Jing is stunned.

Su Mianmian felt even more embarrassed, and she said, "Xiaojing, don't think too much about it. I told you what to say, I told Huanhuan It's not what you think. " Bai Jing's misunderstanding made everyone feel embarrassed. Su Mian was a little angry.

Obviously Huanhuan didn't do anything, but she was misunderstood by Xiaojing all the time.

"Huanhuan, I'm sorry, Xiaojing she misunderstood..." Su Mian looks at Song Qinghuan and says sorry.

"Nothing." Song Qinghuan said gently, "if there is any misunderstanding, explain it clearly."

Bai Jing looks at Song Qing's happy and magnanimous appearance of a gentleman. She's about to breathe blood!

Song Nanshen, do you dare to say that she didn't change her position with Mianmian on purpose?!

But now she is so angry that she can't say anything more!

Trough! It's too high!

Bai Jing groaned heavily.

"Xiaojing, can you stop like this?" Su Mian hears the words and can't help but pull Bai Jing to say in a low voice, "it didn't matter, you made everyone embarrassed!"