Dongdong was unprepared and pushed down the slide by the bear child.

Although the slide is specially designed for children to play, the highest position is more than one meter close to two meters high. In addition, winter and winter are pushed down unprepared, almost the whole person fell from it.

He hit his head on a stone on the ground and soon turned red.

The time before and after is only two seconds. When Su Mian reacts, Dongdong has fallen down.

"Winter and winter!" Su Mian runs to help up Dongdong in panic.

Dongdong is brave. He frowns and says, "it hurts!"

Su Mian looks at him like this, his eyes are red.

His grandfather was also frightened. He stood up, pulled him down, and said, "boy, look what you've done!"

"Who told him not to tell me his name! I'll show him some color! " Cried the bear child.

Su Mian is going to be angry!

What's the matter with this child?! Doing wrong not only doesn't apologize, but also blames others for it.

"You son of a bitch! Say it! " Grandpa bear gave him a punch.

The bear child is not afraid to die and says, "what are you afraid of?! My father is the director. If anyone doesn't obey me! I asked Dad to lock them up! " He said that he did not forget to stare at Su Mian and Dongdong.

"No matter which family you are? If anything happens in winter, I will never let you go! " Su Mian said viciously.

The bear child was frightened by Su Mian's appearance, and he cried.

But Su Mian doesn't have the energy to take care of her anymore. Anyway, the community is so big, and there are not many people in it now. It's a matter of minutes to find out. Now the most important thing is to send Dongdong to the hospital first.

Su Mian picked up the winter and quickly ran to the gate of the community.

She thought now that she had to send Dongdong to the hospital first.

Dongdong doesn't know if it's too painful. He grabs Su Mian's clothes and groans occasionally.

"Continuous?" Song Qinghuan looked at Su Mian's panic and asked, "what happened?"

Su Mianmian seldom sees a person she knows at this time. She quickly says, "Dong Dong is injured. I will take him to the hospital. Huanhuan, do you have a car?"? Can you take us there? "

"You come with me." Song Qinghuan said, "let me hold him."

Su Mian shook her head.

Now she has no sense of security and doesn't want to give the winter to anyone.

She felt guilty. If she had just been more careful, Dongdong would not have been hurt.

Song Qinghuan sighed and said, "I'll walk faster with him in my arms."

Su Mian hears the words, so he gives the winter to song Qinghuan.

"If you don't know, you think he's your son."

"Dongdong is my son." Su Mian heard it, and she replied earnestly.

Song Qinghuan looked at Su Mian's face, and did not make any more entanglements on this issue.

It seems that this little boy is really important to Mianmian.

With the help of song Qinghuan, they went to the hospital soon.

Song Qinghuan asked an expert to help Dongdong to see a doctor, because Dongdong fell on his forehead. After the doctor cleaned the wound for him, he suggested that children take a picture. After all, human brain is a very complex organ.

Su's face became paler when he heard the words.

"Nothing will happen in winter and winter?"