The captain's remark was naturally intended to frighten him.

He was not interested in listening to the man saying too much. He closed his mouth again and took off the bear child's eye mask and the cloth in his mouth.

At this time, the bear child was scared to be silly. He looked at the people in front of him stupidly and cried, "you are so brave! I want my dad to lock you all up! Shoot all of you! Wow... "

When a man hears his son's cry, he is in a hurry, but he can't do anything. Even his mouth is blocked and he can't even beg for mercy.

If he can, he wants his son to shut up! This is the time, but we can never provoke each other again.

The captain ordered coldly, "hang him up."

Su Mian watched silently as they hoisted the bear child to the tree, took out a whip and began to beat him.

At this time, the captain went to Su Mian's side, bent over her ear and said, "madam, we can only hurt when we hit people with this whip, and nothing will happen." Even if something happens, they will help him.

Su Mian looked at the captain and said, "you don't have to worry about my objection. He bullied Dong Dong. This is the feedback he deserves."

She didn't fail to understand. From the words she had just heard from these people, she understood that if they solved it according to the regular channels.

Then, nothing will be solved.

Sometimes, some things, or directly to compare cool.

There was a glimmer of satisfaction in the captain's eyes, and he cried, "call me."

Then, the bear child began to scream

After only two lashes, the child began to pee in his pants. After another two lashes, the child fainted

But the captain didn't stop until they had finished ten strokes.

He threw the fainting bear child to his parents and said, "remember to go back and teach the child well."

The captain turned to Su Mianmian and said, "madam, we are back?"

Su Mianmian said, "wait a minute." With that, she stood up and went to bear child's side. She looked carefully.

It was found that the captain didn't lie to himself. The whip was supposed to be more bluffing. The scars on the child's body were not even expected to leave scars.

But even if it's OK, he doesn't dare to bully people. This lesson will surely make him remember for a long time.

That's enough!

"Let's go." Said Su Mian.


When Su Mian came back, Dongdong was still sleeping.

She looked at the time and woke him up. If she went to sleep again, she would not be able to sleep at night.

As a result, Dongdong woke up and hugged Su Mian's waist. He buried his head deep in Su Mian's arms.

"What's the matter?" Su Mian asked anxiously, "is it a nightmare?" Rarely in winter.

He has always been a little adult, talking a lot of speechless words, using words that often make people want to spank him.

Dongdong said, "I dreamed that daddy was shot A lot of blood has been shed... "

When Su Mian heard this, her heart suddenly jumped.

She comforted and said, "in winter, everything in the dream is contrary to the reality. Don't take it seriously."

After the reminder of Dongdong, she remembered that her uncle had not called her back today.

"BAABAA, I think Dad has compared..." Winter winter whispered.

"Let's call him." Su Mian took out her mobile phone while she was talking.

Dongdong looks out and watches Su Mian make a phone call.

Su Mian presses hands-free, which is convenient for Dongdong to hear. With Didi's telephone sound, both of them are a little nervous

Honey, I really want to call you! ]

is uncle's voice.

Su Mian was relieved suddenly. She said, "uncle, when will you come back?"

I haven't finished my work here. It's estimated that it will be another half month ]

it will take so long!

Dongdong hears Huo Ting's voice, excitedly cries, "Daddy!"