"Uncle, shall we go back?" Su Mian's QAQ

Is it uncle's new invention to play her hand at the door of another hotel?

"Tell me, who was that man just now?" Huo Ting asked angrily, "how dare you come out to drink with him alone? If I had not come in time, I would not have known what terrible things would have happened! You don't know how dangerous you are! "

Su Mian looks at huoting in shock.

Huo Ting asked, "do you know that you are afraid?"

"Uncle, you've said so many things in one breath to shock me." Said Su Mian.

Huo Ting: "..."

He was speechless! Is that the point?!

Su Mian looks smart. How can he say such a stupid thing.

"How did you live so big?" He wondered.

“……” Su Mian thought this was not like praising her. She said, "I grew up eating rice."

Forgive Su Mian's brain. After all, she has drunk wine. Now her brain is not bright.

Huo Ting laughed and said, "winter and winter are smarter than you."

"Dongdong is really smarter than me!" Said Su Mian.

Huo Ting hears that there is no way to take her.

"Forget it, let's go back." Huo Ting gave up, he said, "when you wake up tomorrow, let's talk about it..."

"What are you talking about?" Asked Su Mian.

"Talk about what you grew up eating!" Of course, it's about song Qinghuan.


Su Mian woke up the next day with a stabbing pain in her head.

She covered her head in pain, thinking that no matter what happened in the future! She will never drink again!

QAQ…… The taste of being drunk is too painful!

"A headache?" Huoting leaned against the door and looked at Su Mian.

Su Mian said weakly, "yes, the headache is dead."

"You deserve it!" Hoting said coldly, "who let you drink last night! How dare you! Su Mian! You dare to drink with strange men. Do you still have our family in mind? "

Su Mianmian: "..."

Uncle, how does the tone of these words look like winter?

She looked up and found that it was Huo Ting, not Dong Dong, who was speaking.

If she had not seen Huo Ting talking, she would have thought he was possessed by Dongdong.

"Dare not speak?! You're guilty?! " Huo Ting said as he walked in, he sat beside Su Mian's bed and asked, "do you remember what happened last night?"

Su Mian looks at huoting angrily. When he wants to get angry, he sees the medicine in his hand.

The fire seemed to have been extinguished most of the time.

Uncle is still very concerned about her. If not, he would not give her the drug to stop drinking early in the morning.

"Remember..." Su Mian took the antidote.

Huo Ting snorted and said, "remember best! I'm afraid you don't remember! Come on, let's have a good chat. "

I don't know if it's the relationship between drugs. She felt that after taking it, her head didn't feel so bad.

But it's not comfortable now.

She reached out to push huoting, said, "let me wash my face first."

"OK! I'll wait for you here! " Hoting is sitting on the bed, not leaving.

Su Mian looks at him a little speechless and gets up to wash.

She really found that the uncle who lost his memory became more willing to express his ideas than before.

In other words, it's not that sulky.

But is that a good thing?