Anyway, no matter how many unreliable settings the vampire and Chi Xiaoyuan said, but the most important one is that she and huoting are lovers.

This person has not been changed.

Sue breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mianmian, I can understand that since I have Tiange, I feel that life is complete, so no matter who appears, no matter how good the conditions are, I can't rival Tiange's even a little bit in my eyes."

After su Mian listened, she immediately worried about Chi Xiaoyuan again.

Did vampires save the galaxy in their last lives? How could Xiao Yuan be such a good girlfriend.

Maybe that's what we should say. Beauty is in the eyes of lovers.

"What are you talking about?" Bai Jing came out with wet hair. Seeing Su Mianmian and Chi Xiaoyuan holding hands and looking at each other, there was something strange that could not be said.

They looked at each other and said tacitly.

"We're talking about tomorrow's weekend. Would you like to go out for a good meal?"

"Of course!" When it comes to food, Bai Jing gets excited. She says, "but it's raining hard today. I wonder if it will stop tomorrow?"

Su Mianmian took out her mobile phone and looked at the weather forecast, saying, "the weather forecast says it will be showers tomorrow."

"Where can the weather forecast be accurate?"


However, Su Mian didn't go to dinner with Bai Jing the next day because she received a phone call from Huo ting.

Dong Dong fights with children in kindergarten and gets hurt.

She's driving to s now.

Dongdong, you can't do anything.


In a senior VIP ward of children's Hospital in s city.

Dongdong is sitting on the bed, playing games with the computer.

It's worthy of being a VIP ward. The Internet speed is very fast.

"Boss, madam is on her way. I'll go again Thirty eight minutes to the hospital. " The bodyguard reported.

Huo Ting nodded and said to Dong Dong, who is still playing the game, "put your game away, and we will prepare for it."

Dongdong's eyes turned, and he quit the game and said, "Huo Ting, we have agreed! After that, let me raise another sheep. "

Since knowing that Huo Ting's mind has retreated to the age of 18, Dong Dong has stopped calling for his father's name and called for it directly.

It's cheaper than dad. It's not soft in winter.

"I see!" Huo Ting directed the makeup artist to put on makeup for winter and winter, and said, "seriously, at least his mouth can't speak..."

Dongdong has been chattering and quarreling to death.

"No, I want to talk! Huoting, you are so stupid. If I didn't help you, BAABAA would never forgive you. " Winter said.

The makeup artist asked, "Mr. Huo, excuse me..."

"Then leave a slit in his mouth!" Huo Ting is sad to think that Dong Dong has said that.

He could see that if he was injured and hospitalized, maybe Su Mian would not come back.

If it were winter, it would be different.

It has to be said that in Su Mian's heart, Dongdong's position is higher than that of him.

This cognition made him a little unhappy.

He gave Dongdong a fierce look.

Winter sensitive found, he shouted, "Huo Ting, I'm telling the truth! You are a man who can't even coax his wife. Look, what can you do without me! "

Huo Ting: "..."

How on earth did this boy develop such a poor character?