Naturally, it's too late!

Huo Ting's rigid body was "ravaged" by several girls. He didn't feel alive until his size was measured.

Are girls so bold now? How is it different from what he knew before?!

Just when they measured the size, they also touched his abdominal muscles boldly. If he didn't stop them, maybe they would do more than that!

And Su Mian is not only not stopping, but also laughing loudly.

Huoting looks at Su Mian sadly

Su Mian was still holding a smile at first, but when she saw Huo Ting's sad face, she couldn't help but smile with her belly in her arms.

Huo Ting tidied up his clothes and said to Su Mian, who was smiling and crying, "go."

"That's the end of it?" Su Mian wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and smiled, deliberately saying, "elder sister, have you really measured them? Do you need Mr. Huo's cooperation again? "

The designer's sister was very witty and replied, "if I can, I can measure it again at any time."

As she spoke, she took out her ruler and made a coquettish gesture.

"No thanks!" Said hoting, with a black face.

Although Huo Ting's aura is milder than before, when he stares at people, he still has a bit of ruthlessness.

The designer's sister suddenly withered and said, "I have something else to do. I'll go back first."

"I have something to do, and I'll go back first..."

"What a coincidence! I also think that I have something to do. It's continuous. I'll leave first. You can close the door directly later. " Snow said.

Within a minute, everyone left.

Su Mian touched her face and stopped laughing. She stood up and said, "go."

Huoting is behind Su Mian. He looks at her face. He doesn't know if it's because he just laughed. Su Mian's face is still red at the moment.

"Are you hungry? I'll treat you to food. " He pondered for a few minutes and came up with such an excuse.

Su Mian looked at him curiously and said, "do you know what time it is?"

Huo Ting looked at his watch and said, "four o'clock."

"So..." Su Mianmian said, "is lunch or dinner at four o'clock?"

"Afternoon tea." It's hard for Huo ting to be clever.

Su Mian looks at him. Maybe the atmosphere just now is so good. She is not so angry. She smiles and says, "OK, let's go for afternoon tea."


"Tell me what you think in your heart." Asked Su Mian.

Huo Ting looked at the closed box environment and dodged, "isn't it for afternoon tea?"

Thanks to his investigation first, Su Mian pulled him into a small black shop before he could take him to the shop he chose.

It's not too much for a small black shop! How could the light in the box be so dim!

"When you're done, we'll have afternoon tea." Su Mian grabs his hand.

Hoting couldn't help it. He looked her in the eye and said, "if I say it, you must promise not to laugh at me."

Su Mian was slightly shocked and said, "OK, I promise not to laugh at you."

"Su Mian, I want to pursue you again." Hoting said.

Su Mian looks at him with wide eyes.

"I have no memory of you Before meeting you, many people have told me about you, but I don't think the person they are talking about is me... " He was a little confused and said, "I really can't imagine who I will like. I will do something for a woman that I can't do at all..."

Su Mian thought of what huoting had done for her before, and couldn't help but blush.

Yes! Uncle is very proud and charming. She would never have said what she did. If she hadn't discovered it, she would never have known that there was such a man who would do so many things for her

"At the beginning, I approached you with curiosity. I wanted to know you better and understand why I would do this in ten years..." Huo Ting sighed a little and continued, "but, closer and closer, I found that I also like you, but you are more and more far away from me So, I did some stupid things to let you come back... "

Su Mian took a sniff and sobbed, "why don't you say that?"

As long as he said, there was no need for him to do anything, and she would take the initiative to approach.

"Maybe I'm stupid!" Huo Ting returned.

"You are stupid!" Su Mian wiped his tears and said, "you who lost your memory have become much more stupid than before. You would never have been like this before."

"What would I do?"

Su Mian looks up at him and says, "you will..."

Huo Ting lowers his head and kisses Su Mian's mouth. Su Mian closes his eyes, but his tears can't stop.After houghtin lost his memory, their first kiss was salty.

"Don't cry." Huo Ting wiped her tears painfully.

Su took a deep breath. She didn't really want to cry, but the tears fell on her own.

The more Huo Ting wiped it, the more tears she shed.

Su Mian is a little embarrassed at last. She hugs Huo ting and buries her face in his chest.

In any case, although uncle lost his memory, he was still him.

"Su Mianmian, I want to pursue you again, so you promised me, right?"

Su Mian couldn't help laughing. How can uncle be such a sight!

This is the time. What else do you want to pursue?!

"Well, I promised you." Su Mian said with a smile, "I don't get angry with you about winter and winter, but you two are really bad! Who came up with such a bad idea? "

Huo Ting: "..." In fact, this move is provided by Gongbei City, but his original words are to let Dongdong pretend to be slightly injured. He never expected that they would go so far.

"Palace North City." Huo Ting sold out his friends without any psychological pressure.

Su Mian frowned and said, "I can't see that he is such a person!"

"He is such a person..." Hoting said.

There's nothing to go on with this problem. Su Mian knows and then he's done.

She said, "by the way, uncle, do you really want to join Cosplay?"

Huo Ting hears speech to be silent for a while, say, "well, just accompany you together." Anyway, he has nothing to do now.

Su Mian hears him say so, although still feel a bit inappropriate, but also don't say anything.

However, if she knew what happened next, she would have prevented Huo Ting as much as possible.

Of course, those are all afterwords.