Song Qinghuan sat down beside Su Mian, unscrewed the mineral water, drank it, and said, "Mianmian, are we still friends?"

Su Mian held the mineral water nervously and said, "of course, Huanhuan, maybe you will feel a little fake in my words now, but I really regard you as a good friend."

"How could..." Song Qinghuan said with a wry smile, "I want too much."

Su Mianmian regards him as a friend and only as a friend, but he doesn't want to be just a friend.

During this period, he found someone to check Su Mian's affairs, and he knew all the things about her over the years.

She was forced by her family to marry an old man, which was not her free will at all. Now that this man has an accident, it's the right time for Su Mian to liberate.

Although he cares that Su Mian is not pure, but

Song Qinghuan looks at Su's sweet face and thinks that even if it is like this, she can't put her down.

If you can't put it down, grab her first.

"Huanhuan, we can only be friends." Su Mian said seriously, "there is no more..."

Song Qinghuan narrowed his eyes and smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes.

He said, "Mianmian, don't you think it's cruel to say these words?"

Su Mian lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry But I don't want you to go on sinking. "

"It's your business that you don't like me, and it's just my business that I like you." Song Qing laughed and said, "it's continuous. I can't even control my heart. Can you control it?"

Su Mian heard him say more and more, she suddenly stood up and said, "happy, I think we still......"

"Be careful!" Song Qinghuan suddenly pours on Su Mian.

Su Mian was rushed to the ground by song Qinghuan before he knew what was going on. Then he heard a snap. It seemed that something fell down and hit them.

She passed out in the dark.

By the time she woke up again, she was already in the hospital.

"Mianmian, you finally wake up!" Snow White said excitedly, "how do you feel?"

Su Mian slowly sat up, holding her head, and did not feel any discomfort.

She asked, "I'm fine. What just happened?"

She only remembers talking with song Qinghuan, and then she is attacked by song Qinghuan, and the memory is blank.

Bai Xue sighed and said, "I don't know who put the wooden box on the two floors. It is the upstairs where you sit. I don't know what happened. Suddenly, the wooden box fell down and hit you and Song Nan God. You were protected by song man God and were not injured. It was him..."

"What's wrong with Huanhuan?" Su Mian asked worried.

"He had twenty stitches on his back. Fortunately, it was his back. If he didn't hit his face, it would be disfigurement." Snow said, seeing Su Mian struggling to get up, she quickly said, "Mian, where are you going?"

"I'd like to see the joy." Su Mian returns.

"No, you'd better have a good rest." Bai Xue said, "I just came back from there. Song Nanshen is OK. He is lying on the bed."

"No, I'll see him." At the moment of the accident, song Qinghuan protected her.

In any case, she had to meet song Qinghuan, even if she just said thank you.