In the face of song Qinghuan's silence, Zhao Wenyu regards him as the default, so he is more sure of his guess.

He said angrily, "how can sister coco do this?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I'm not sure." Song Qinghuan said lightly, "now it can't be said that cocoa is the instigator."

Zhao Wenyu said angrily, "who else is she?! Who else can't go with Su? Have the ability to do such a thing again

Yes, Zeng coco is his elder sister who has known him for ten years, but even that can't be compared with song Qinghuan.

Song Qinghuan is his brother, so after Song Qinghuan is injured, he will not help Zeng coco again.

"Calm down." Song Qinghuan frowns.

"I can't calm down!" Zhao Wenyu walked around the ward, and he said angrily, "this is too much! Brother Huan, do you want to tell Uncle? "

"Don't talk too much." Song Qinghuan whispered, "you don't have to worry about this."

"Brother Huan..."

"I'll take care of it!" Song Qinghuan said coldly.

Seeing that song Qinghuan's face was cold, Zhao Wenyu dared not say anything more.

Just because he doesn't say it now doesn't mean that he won't go to Zeng Coco's trouble.

He said, "it's not early, brother Huan. Please take a rest earlier. I'll see you tomorrow. "

"Well, go back." Song Qinghuan said.

After Zhao Wenyu left, another half hour later, a rush of high-heeled shoes came from outside the door. Song Qinghuan put the book down again.

The door was opened and Zeng coco ran in panic.

"Qinghuan, you How can I hurt so badly! " Zeng coco knew that song Qinghuan was injured and rushed to the hospital immediately, but told her that she didn't say where song Qinghuan was injured.

At the moment she saw it, and suddenly the whole person was not well.

How can I hurt so badly!

"You want someone to follow me?" Song Qinghuan asked coldly.

When Zeng coco turned white, she said, "no..."

Although she said no, her face had already revealed everything.

Song Qinghuan gave her a disgusting look and said, "you go, I don't want to see you again."

Zeng coco bit her lips hard. She knew that song Qinghuan could not be cheated. And since she was so terrible in Qinghuan's eyes, she still cared what she did so much!

She said desperately, "I, I didn't mean to, I just wanted to scare her, I really don't know Qinghuan, you will be by the side. "

Yes, she asked someone to do it, but that person didn't know song Qinghuan, so Only then can song Qinghuan get hurt in order to save Su Mian.

"Don't say anything. I won't care about you this time, but next time, I won't let you go." Song Qinghuan said coldly.

After hearing song Qinghuan's words, Zeng coco suddenly felt all sorts of accidents. She thought that she hurt song Qinghuan this time, and he would retaliate against her, but he easily let himself go?

Is it in his heart that he is a little different?

Where can song Qinghuan not understand what she thinks?!

He smiled coldly and said, "don't be amorous. I'm just looking at the friendship between our two elders to spare you. In my heart, you can't match even a hair..."

Zeng coco took a painful step back and said, "Qinghuan, do you have to be so cruel to me?"

"Go away!" Song Qinghuan said coldly.

Zeng coco clenched her fists. She gave him a deep look, and then she turned around and walked out.

She thought, Su Mian, even if the fish die, I will not let you go!

After she left, song Qinghuan's mouth slightly hooked up.

It seems that he did everything just on purpose.


The next morning, Su Mian bought breakfast and came to the hospital to find song Qinghuan.

In any case, song Qinghuan was injured because of her, so she had to come to see him.

When she went to the door of the ward, she saw song Qinghuan sitting on a chair and reading books. Next to her was Zhao Wenyu.

"Brother Huan, you haven't slept very much all night. Anyway, you sleep a little late." Said Zhao Wenyu.

"It hurts. I can't sleep." Song Qinghuan said lightly.

Hearing this, Zhao Wenyu said again, "why don't you take some painkillers? I'll go to the doctor! " He then turned and stood up, and saw Su Mian at the door.

"Su Mian! When did you come? "

Su Mian hears the conversation between the two at the door, and feels more guilty about song Qinghuan. Seeing Zhao Wenyu calling her name, she smiles awkwardly and says, "I just arrived."

She raised the breakfast in her hand and asked, "have you had breakfast?"

Zhao Wenyu looked at her, then at Song Qinghuan, and said, "no food, you come in first, I have something to go out." With that, he reached out and pulled Su Mian in. Then he went out and closed the door.Only Su Mian and song Qinghuan are left in the room.

Su Mian walked over and looked at the wound behind song Qinghuan.

Nature can't see anything. It's bound up well.

"I'm sorry, happy." Su Mian said apologetically.

Song Qinghuan said with a smile, "don't feel sorry for me. It's none of your business. It's my own free will."

Su Mian hears the words and doesn't know how to answer them.

Song Qinghuan looked at what she had brought with her and said, "you came just in time. I'm hungry."

"Oh, I brought porridge and dumplings. I'll bring them to you." Su Mian takes the food quickly.

Song Qinghuan saw the food on the table and asked, "have you eaten it?"

Su Mian is slightly shocked and shakes her head.

Song Qinghuan hands the chopsticks to Su Mian and says, "let's eat together." Finish saying, he also does not go to see Su Mian, bow head begins to eat.

Su Mian takes a look at Song Qinghuan. Seeing that he doesn't care about himself, he feels relieved and begins to eat.

What she didn't know was that song Qinghuan looked up at her at the moment when she bowed her head, with deep meaning in her eyes

After the meal, Su Mian arranges the things, song Qinghuan doesn't read any more, and looks at her with a smile all the time.

After she had sorted everything out, he said, "it's continuous. Next week is the school party. I'll remove the thread before that. These days, if you are free, can you help me with my meal?"

Su Mian looks up at him.

"I didn't tell my family about it. I didn't want them to worry about it. Of course, if you feel in trouble, just think I didn't say anything..."

"No trouble!" Su Mianmian said quickly, "what do you like to eat? I can help. "

Song Qinghuan was injured in order to save her. She just brought food. She had no reason to refuse.
