Song Qinghuan's proposal is too abrupt.

After su Mian listened, she was stunned and didn't know how to respond.

Dongdong is very happy to hear that. He takes Su's hand and says, "BAABAA, I want to go to the toilet. Can you take me there?"

"Oh, yes." Su Mian looks at Huo ting and nods. She says, "let's talk. I'll go out with Dong Dong first."

Then, after su Mian and other people walked out of the room, Su Mian was stunned. She looked at Dong Dong and said, "I suddenly remembered that there was a toilet in the room."

Dongdong smiled and said, "BAABAA, you are stupid. I don't really want to go, it's just an excuse."

"In that case, I'll take you downstairs to buy ice cream?" There is a small supermarket downstairs.

"Good! I want strawberry. " Winter said excitedly.

Su Mianmian bought a strawberry sweet pot for Dongdong, and she asked for one herself. They sat on a chair in front of the garden on the first floor and ate. People from the hospital came and went. Although some people thought Dongdong was lovely, they stopped for a look, but more people would not notice them.

"BAABAA, do you think Huo Ting will be better?" Winter suddenly asked.

Su Mian is shocked. She turns around and looks at Dongdong. Dongdong stretches out her tongue and licks the ice cream contentedly.

"In fact, he's very good. Babi won't promise to raise another sheep for me. It's useless for me to ask before, but Huo Ting promised me to keep it on the balcony..." Dongdong said while eating.

Su Mian reached for Dongdong's shoulder and said, "he'll remember. He's just sick now. He'll get better soon."

Although Dong Dong doesn't care how he feels, in fact, his heart is also sad.

"It doesn't matter! I will be in the Huo family! I will grow up soon, and I will protect you! " Dongdong stood up, clapped his chest, and said, "so, even if Huo Ting becomes a fool, don't worry, Huo family has me!"

"Thank you, Dongdong! But I won't be a fool! " Hoting said coldly.

Su Mian turns around and sees Huo Ting standing behind them with a silent face.

"Uncle, are you out?"

"Huo Ting, when did you come?"

Su Mian said at the same time as Dong Dong.

Huo Ting reached out and rubbed Dong Dong's curly hair, saying, "not long ago, but I heard all the bad things you said about me."

In winter, I held my head pitifully and said, "you must not have listened carefully. I praise you..."

Huo Ting looked at him wrinkling a bun face and thought it was very interesting, so he picked him up and tried to rub him. As a result, he didn't hold fast to it in winter and winter, and the ice cream fell on Huo Ting's pants.

Huo Ting: "..."

Dongdong was caught in his knee socket and said innocently, "well, what a big man are you from? I'm still so fidgety. "

Su Mian claps her forehead silently. She quickly separates the two. She takes out a paper towel and wipes Huo Ting's pants. But before long, Huo Ting grabs her hand.

Su Mian looked at him doubtfully.

He whispered in her ear, "come on, I'm going to feel it."

Feel Su Mian's slow response to what he said suddenly blushed.

This is too much for the public! Uncle, you're too unruly?!