What Huo Ting punched was unreserved. Song Qinghuan fell to the ground after being beaten.

But even so, Huo Ting's tone didn't go down. He kicked hard with his foot, picked up his collar and said, "it seems that you don't want to live!"

No one around knew the relationship between Su Mian and huoting, but Bai Xue knew that song Qinghuan was chasing Su Mian.

Just now, song Nanshen kissed Su Mian in front of all the teachers and students of the school. Everyone was stunned, but they didn't wait for them to ease from the shock, and they saw Huo Ting beating song Qinghuan.

This What's going on?!

Is Professor Huo going to pursue Su Mian?

In this way, Su Mian's hatred value is too high, right?!

Song Qinghuan is carried by Huo ting. Instead, he laughs. He whispers, "it's so sweet..."

"You!" Hoting came to him again.

Song Qinghuan's mouth is bleeding. He spits blood to the side and begins to fight back at huoting.

It's just that Huo Ting can't let him hit, he easily dodged, and then began to beat song Qinghuan.

Huo Ting practiced boxing for more than ten years. Although he lost his memory, his instinct of boxing was still there. So song Qinghuan was soon beaten by Huo ting into a pig's head.

After the reaction, we found several boys with great strength to pull them apart, but they were hit by the blindless fist and foot, and they flew out.

"Mianmian, don't look, try to find a way to stop them." Snow is anxiously holding Su's hand.

Su Mian came back to her senses. For the first time, she saw that uncle was so angry. She rushed up and hugged Huo Ting's back, shouting, "stop fighting!"

Huo Ting heard Su Mian's voice and stopped at once.

"Uncle, stop fighting!" "I don't want you to get hurt," Su said in a low voice

Su Mianmian succeeded in pacifying him by saying that he let go of song Qinghuan's collar and said, "I won't let it go!"

He stood up, Su miansong opened his hand, Huo Ting turned around, reached for her hand and said, "let's go!"

Su Mian nodded.

When they went out, they automatically moved a corridor.

What they didn't know was that what happened today was photographed and then spread to the Internet.

At first, it was just a post in the school forum that posted the photo of song Qinghuan kissing Su Mian. The angle was very clear. Then, there was a relationship between eight Su Mian and song Qinghuan, saying that they were childhood sweethearts. They would meet again after parting and make love at the school party.

I don't know who made this post into a long micro blog and sent it to the micro blog. Soon afterwards, song Qinghuan was recognized by fans as a high IQ God on the micro blog. In a short day, song Qinghuan occupied the hot list of micro blog, with 30000 forwarding volume and 50000 messages.

These, now Su Mian does not know.

She was pulled into the car by hoting. After he locked the door, he turned Su's chin and kissed her.

Huo Ting's kiss has not been gentle, but it is full of punishment.

Su Mianmian knows that she is wrong. She doesn't dare to move. She cooperates very cleverly with huoting. But gradually, her mouth is going to be numb. She can't help but reach out and push huoting.

Huo Ting released his hand and looked at her deeply.