Huo Ting heard the voice, immediately stood up, he walked to Su Mian's direction and asked, "is your hand OK? Put the things first and let my aunt clean them up. "

"Uncle, can you say it again?" She didn't hear me wrong, did she?

Uncle wants to announce their relationship in public?!

Huo Ting grabs Su Mian's hand and looks at her carefully. After finding that she is not hurt, he says, "don't you want to? Our relationship is known to all? "

Su Mian shook his head hard and said, "no, I just think ok Are you holding this conference now because I'm stigmatized? "

"Not exactly. There are reasons for this. More importantly, I want to tell all the men who have ideas about you to get away! You are mine! " Huo Ting said domineering.

"I'm yours!" Su Mian hugged Huo Ting's waist and said in his ear, "didn't you know that for a long time?"


On the day of the conference, Huo Ting invited a makeup artist to come home to make up for Su Mian.

Dress is the most expensive dress for all designers in Paris fashion week, only one dress in the world.

Besides its unique design, it also has the fabric and materials it uses.

The style of the skirt is gorgeous and retro. It has five layers of tulle, from light blue to dark blue. There are many broken diamonds on the back of the skirt, which are sewn by the designer in one stitch. It's amazing just by hand.

But the most amazing thing is that the back of this skirt is a beautiful starry sky. When the light shines down, it seems that the whole starry sky is on your back, very dazzling.

After su Mian put on, she was dazzled by her elegant makeup.

"My God! You are so beautiful! I've never seen such a beautiful person before. " The makeup artist exclaimed, "can I take a picture?"

Su Mianmian is slightly shocked. She's really a little over sensitive to the two words in the photo recently.

She was a little embarrassed and said, "yes, but can you stop patting me on the face?"

"My God! Why can't you pat your face? Your face is so perfect. " The makeup artist is a foreigner. She likes to use exclamation mark very much. She said, "honey, why don't you like it?"

Su Mianmian really didn't know how to explain it to foreign friends. She said, "OK, you can shoot it, but can you promise me not to release it?"

"I don't quite understand why you made such a decision, but dear, I will respect your wishes." The dresser said, "really! You should be more confident. You are beautiful. Please believe me! "

"Thank you." Su Mian said with a smile.

At this time Huo Ting came in, he saw Su Mian's dress, and then he was dumbfounded.

Su Mian asked a little unnaturally, "is it strange?"

Huo Ting hasn't responded yet. The makeup artist said loudly, "it's not strange! dear! He is totally fascinated by you! You are so beautiful! "

Huo Ting: "..." This makeup artist is so noisy!

When he made eyes, Chen CE immediately understood. He stepped forward and said to the makeup artist without expression, "lady, would you please go out with me first? The press conference will start soon. I think you should like to have a look. "

"You are right! I hope I can have a better perspective... "

"No problem."
