"I'd like to invite you here today to say something. She, the woman sitting beside me, her name is Su Mian, she is my wife who marries me openly... "

After Huo Ting said this, there was a sudden uproar.

Media friends asked.

"Mr. Huo, Mrs. Huo has never been exposed in front of the media before. Is there any reason why this press conference suddenly announced this news?"

Huo Ting looked at him and said, "yes, my wife was maligned on the Internet and released some so-called evidences that are totally inconsistent with the facts..."

"Mr. Huo, I have followed up the post you said. If it's malice, do you have any evidence?" Another reporter abruptly interrupts Huo Ting's words. He stands up and asks loudly, "it's a legal society now, so it's really a misunderstanding that Huo can't always say a mean and slander lightly, isn't it? You have to give the public an account, don't you? "

"Yes! I've called the police. The police have caught the behind the scenes. If you are interested in this, you can go to the police station to follow up after this conference. "

After hearing Huo Ting's words, the man was speechless.

"Mr. Huo, what is Mrs. Huo's job? How do you two know each other? As the golden Bachelor of S City, are you afraid of regret when you get married so young? " This question is asked by a female reporter with a very hot figure. She came to interview today and wore a low-cut dress. Her business line is very clear.

When she saw Huo Ting saw herself, she specially pulled her chest to make Huo Ting see more clearly.

Su Mian was shocked to see this scene!

This is the press conference, OK? And she's sitting by, okay?

This sister who can brush the wall with the powder on her face, would you really like to tease uncle in front of everyone?

Because Su Mian and huoting's hands are tightly held together, Su Mian cannot help scratching huoting's hands angrily.

It seems that the little sheep is angry.

Huoting slightly hooked his mouth, reached out and scratched Su Mian's palm to appease her. Then he turned to look at the female reporter coldly and said, "I won't regret it. I married Su Mian, which is the most correct decision in my life. I love her!"

Su Mian smell speech, the heart sweet Zizi, can't help laughing up, the dimples of the corner of the mouth are obvious, looks very dazzling.

"Let me say at the end, Su Mian is my woman! I won't let anyone hurt her. If someone wants to challenge my bottom line, I'll be there at any time. " Huo Ting finished this sentence, then he pulled up Su Mian, who was still in trance, and left in a big way.

From the beginning to the end of the conference, it was only ten minutes. Huo Ting only answered three questions from reporters and friends, and then left! Is it really too domineering and willful?

It is said that the conference cost five million yuan, and the accommodation, car fare and red envelope of the optical media friends cost almost one million yuan.

It's true that they are rich and willful!

Fortunately, Chen came to the rescue. Chen came out immediately and bowed to the media friends. He said, "there is still something busy for Huo. In the next time, I'll explain to you what I want to say in this conference. First, Mr. Huo... "
