"Mianmian, I don't regret what I did, I only regret that I didn't succeed Get you! "

After Song Qinghuan finished this sentence, he released Su Mian's hand.

Su Mian's mood at the moment is like eating a hundred flies, which is going to be sick!

She seems to have seen song Qinghuan at this moment. She has done so many things, and now she says it's so grand. It's really Enough!

If song Qinghuan didn't finish this sentence, Su Mian really felt that he would spit it out in front of him.

"Mianmian, what are you doing here?" Bai Jing asked.

Su Mian asked, "do you have any water?"

Bai Jing was stunned. She took out a bottle of water from her backpack and said, "I've drunk half of it. If you don't mind, you can drink it What's the matter with you? "

She saw that Su Mian took water to wash her mouth. She couldn't help being curious.

"Disgusted." Su Mianmian throws the empty bottle into the garbage can nearby.

"Did you eat the wrong thing?" Bai Jing asked.

Su Mian shook her head and didn't intend to say more about it. She asked, "are you going home today?"

Bai Jing's home is in H City, so it's very convenient for her to go back.

"I'll be back in a few days. I don't want to go back so early." Bai Jing sighed and said, "you know, the one who started the road in my family, I can't sleep in when I go back. They are very abnormal and start training at 5:30..."

Su Mian patted her shoulder sympathetically and said, "do you want to come to s city to play with me?"

"Is it convenient?" Bai Jing asked excitedly.

"There's nothing inconvenient." Su Mian replied with a smile, "call me whenever you want to come."

"OK." Bai Jing thought for a moment and asked, "by the way, when does the little god of winter and winter take his winter vacation? I want to wait until he's free. "

In this way, you can flirt with Dongdong or something by the way

Of course, this is Bai Jing's wish.

"He should be about the same." Su Mianmian said, "however, it's estimated that I will attend the cram school in winter and winter vacation..."

"It's such a small time that we have to cram! How inhuman! What does he tutor? "

“……” This is what the Huos can't say.

Su Mian thought about it and said, "Chinese..." It's really hard for them to use vocabulary correctly in winter and winter, but it's useless.


"Ah, it sounds very professional. Dong Dong is really hard..."

Bai Jing is the brain powder of Dongdong. For this, Su Mian is very calm. They go to the school gate while talking.

"Xiaojing, have a good holiday." Su Mianmian said, "if you want to play, please call me at any time."

"OK, goodbye, long."


Su Mianmian said goodbye to Bai Jing, she got on the bus, and then unexpectedly found that Dongdong also came!

Dongdong smiled and said excitedly, "is there any surprise?"

"Yes! I'm very happy to see you, honey. " Su Mian rushed to Dongdong excitedly, rubbed his curly hair hard, and said, "but why are you here?"

"I have a holiday! Hoting said he would come to pick you up, and I came out with him. " Dongdong hugs Su Mian's waist and asks, "Mian, why are you thin?"

"Yes?" She didn't feel that way.