Huoting wanted to drive the car directly to the hospital, but Su Mian refused. She wanted to go home.

Su Mian really thinks that uncle is making a mountain out of a molehill. Even if she is pregnant, she doesn't need to go to the hospital. She's just sick. She just needs to lie down and sleep for a while. Maybe it's OK.

She doesn't want to go to the hospital. If she goes to the hospital, she doesn't know when she can leave the hospital.

Now in this special period, huoting naturally dare not face Su Mian. Seeing that she really doesn't want to go, he can only follow her direction.

Huo Ting sent Su Mian back to his room to lie down and said to the black housekeeper, "Mian Mian may be pregnant. Please contact the doctor."

The black housekeeper asked, "is it Dr. Xia?"

What did Huo Ting look for before was Xia Yi, but Now Huo Ting doesn't remember anything.

After listening to the words of the black housekeeper, he only thought that the name was familiar to him, but he couldn't remember it for a while. He thought it was a family doctor.

"Look for who you are, now!" He said.


After Xia Yi answered the black housekeeper's phone, he was silent.

She's a good surgeon, OK? Major in brain, how can I even find her about pregnancy?

Gong Beicheng came in and saw Xia Yiyi looking at his mobile phone with a solemn face. He asked curiously, "wife, what's the trouble? Come on, talk to my husband, I will solve it for you! "

He put his head close to Xiayi's face and wanted to ask for a kiss.

Xia Yi pushes and says, "little cute is pregnant. I want to go to the court."

"What?!" Cried Gong Beicheng in shock.

Xia Yi looked at him funny and asked, "Why are you so shocked?"

"No, I, I just had an accident." Said Gong Beicheng.

Xia Yiyi doesn't care about him. After she gets up and prepares the tools, she sees Gong Beicheng sitting on the chair and doesn't know who is calling. She looks at him and turns away.

Gong Beicheng is on the phone with Lei Aotian.

In fact, before Huo Ting lost his memory, and before his relationship with Lei Aotian got stale, Gong Beicheng didn't succeed in catching up with Xia Yi, and the three would often drink. Once, the three would bet to see who was the first to get married and who was the most senior.

Then, not long after that time, Lei Aotian met Chi Xiaoyuan. Gong Beicheng and Xia Yihao are good. Huoting is always alone.

As a single dog, he has to be hurt all the time. Huo Ting drinks in silence when his friends show their love.

So, as the latest marriage, Huo Ting has children as soon as possible?!

This makes Gong Beicheng's heart mixed with feelings. He told leiaotian about this at the first time.

After listening, Lei Aotian was also a little upset. He said sourly, "if something had not happened before Xiaoyuan, would my children be able to make soy sauce now?"

Gong Beicheng would like to look at him with contempt. Of course, the condition is not allowed. He can only say with contempt, "in this case, you can stop talking, but Fortunately, the court lost its memory, or I think of our bet at that time... "

He's going to lose his villa in the prime of S City, OK? Now the market price is over 20 million.

Lei Aotian was silent for a while and said, "fortunately, the court lost its memory..."

"Yes." Gong Beicheng returns to the road.

If Uncle knew, he would regret making such two bad friends, right? QAQ!