After getting the tacit approval of leiaotian, the driver turns the car around a corner again, and then drives quietly as a background board.

Lei Aotian looked at Dongdong and said in agony, "I'm not Daddy's own son..."

“……” This news really surprised Lei Aotian. He had never seen such a similar father and son. He was not born?!

He expressed doubt.

"Who did you hear?" Asked leiaotian.

"Said my second uncle." Once the secret is said, Dongdong will vent. Anyway, he knows it and has nothing to hide.

"Huo Zun?" Seeing Dong Dong nodding, Lei Aotian continued, "who is your biological father? Is it Huo Zun

Dong Dong has never considered who his biological father is after he knows such a secret. This will be asked by Lei Aotian. He is also at a loss.

"Come on, you think I didn't say anything." "From a young point of view, Huo Zun can't be your father," said Lei Aotian

Huo Zun is as big as Xiao Xiao. If Dong Dong is his son, he will make the girl pregnant when he is 17. It is possible for other people to change, but it is not possible for Huo Zun, the second force.

Girls have to be blind to see the terrorist Huo Zun, who only has dangerous research products?

Dongdong doesn't care about this either. He says sadly, "I'm so sad! Huo Ting is not my daddy... "

"Isn't hoting nice to you?" Lei Aotian interrupts Dong Dong's words.

"Don't say that about Huo Ting!" Dongdong said angrily, "Huo Ting is very kind to me!"

"Then what are you struggling with? Is blood really so important? " Said leiaotian.

"This..." Dongdong's face was tangled and said, "it's not because of this, I'm just very sad. I always thought Huo Ting was my father's, but suddenly I knew he wasn't. I just..."

There are people you can always be wild, but one day I was told that you have no reason to be wild, there are I don't know what to do

"Huo Dongdong, huoting, I have known him for several years. He is boring and cold, so I don't think he does what he would do to help others raise children."

Dongdong looks up at him and asks in a low voice full of expectation, "then you mean Hotting, is he my own father? Did I get it wrong? "

Leiaotian shook his head and said, "no, I just think if you are true, huoting has raised you as his own son for so many years, and you are no different from his own in his heart. If he doesn't tell you the truth, there may be reasons why he can't say Children, you should trust more adults. "

Lei Aotian seldom has such a kind moment. He has the patience to comfort Dong Dong It's just shocking!

He was moved when he said that! Sure enough, I get along with Xiao Yuan more recently, and he has become much more kind.

After listening to Lei Aotian's words, Dong Dong said with emotion, "Uncle Aotian, I didn't expect you to say such words. I always thought that your relationship with daddy was not good. Before I put a virus on your mobile phone, I didn't expect you to care about me at all..."

Lei Aotian: "..."

What a nuisance the child is! Isn't it really a hotting breed?