After hearing this, Su Mian didn't know how to reply for a while.

After all, a few days ago, these two people got along with each other in a variety of ways. It's a pity that they have become so at the moment. But what happened between them, others don't know, so they can't evaluate anything.

Su Mian Leng Leng, back, "I know, small circle you calm down."

Chi Yuan took a deep breath and said calmly, "I'm calm, and please call me Chi Yuan."

Su Mian replied obediently, "OK, Chi Yuan." QAQ……

After Chi Yuan's face was better, Su Mian said again, "have you eaten? Would you like some cake and a cup of hot tea? " Eating some sweets will relieve the mood.

After hearing this, Chi Yuan looked at Su Mian and said, "thank you." She hasn't eaten much since yesterday.

Su Mian immediately orders the black housekeeper to prepare food after listening to Chi Yuan.

However, the black housekeeper brought a message.

"Madam, master Lei is here."

Here comes leiaotian?! Su Mian hears the words, turns around to see Chi Xiaoyuan, but can't see her.

She was a little stunned, how about people?

Suddenly there was a snap from the balcony. Su Mian and the black housekeeper looked at each other and rushed to see it.

I saw Chi Yuan jump down some buildings directly from the balcony on the second floor. Su Mian saw her when she was climbing the outer wall. This position was just climbed by Huo Zun and his friends. The family said it was to be repaired, but it happened to be new year's Eve, which was not yet repaired.

"Little circle!" Su Mian exclaimed.

Chi Yuan glanced back at her, then waved to her and jumped out.

Su Mianmian: "..." Why do they both like to climb her wall? QAQ!

The black housekeeper replied, "don't worry, madam. I'll get someone to fix it in the afternoon."

As soon as they had finished saying this, Lei Aotian came in. He looked around anxiously and asked, "what about Xiao Yuan? She's here, isn't she While he was talking, his eyes were looking around all the time. He was about to poke a hole in the floor and waited for Xiao Yuan to come out.

Su Mian turns around and looks at it, but she is shocked when she sees leiaotian.

still remembered that when he saw him, he had a dirty white face, a tall and thin figure, and liked to wear a black windbreaker. So Su was able to make complaints about his love.

However, since he fell in love with Chi Xiaoyuan, his whole personality has changed. In a popular word, it has become popular.

But now I see that he has changed back to what he used to be, even worse.

Lei Aotian's face was pale and full of scum. His clothes were wrinkled and his chest was tied with bandages.

"You're hurt!" Su Mian said definitely.

Lei Aotian asked, "what about Xiao Yuan? Has she come yet? "

Su Mian looked at him and said, "here she is, but she's gone. What happened to you? Why has she changed so much? "

Leiaotian took a deep look at Su Mian, determined that she had not lied, and said, "there are some misunderstandings between us."

"Misunderstanding? What kind of misunderstanding can it be? " Vampires don't mean what they say.

Leiaotian didn't want to say more. He said, "if she comes to you again, you will give her this thing."

Su Mian looks down and stares!

The vampire gave her a gun!