Su Mianmian hands Bai Jing the red wine, and says weakly, "Xiao Jing, you didn't come to play with me?"

"Yes." Bai Jing took a sip and said, "then I'm lovelorn! If I don't come to play with you, maybe I won't be lovelorn! Make a noise... "

Su Mianmian: "..."

"Well, drink slowly. I have a lot of wine here..."

"Mianmian, come on! Drink with me. " Bai Jing hands Su Mian the red wine.

Su Mian shook her head hard and said, "I can't drink it."

"Why?" Bai Jing said displeasantly, "I'm lovelorn. You don't drink with me! Not enough friends?! We are still not good friends? "

"I can't really drink it." Su touched her stomach and said, "I'm pregnant."

"What?!" Bai Jing stands up suddenly in fright. She looks at Su Mian and asks in shock, "you, you have a baby?"

Su Mian nodded.

"My God!" Bai Jing puts down the bottle, holds Su Mian's shoulder, looks her up and down, and says, "no wonder I think you seem to be a little fatter It turned out to be pregnancy. "

Su Mianmian: "..."

Has she gained weight?

"Mianmian, you're so powerful. You're so fast. I've just lost my love, but you have children..."

Su Mian pondered for a moment, and thought this was not like praising others?

"To celebrate your pregnancy, I must drink more! It doesn't matter if you can't drink it. You can drink boiled water. I'll drink it! " Bai Jing raised the bottle and shouted bravely, "come! Cheers! "

Su Mian looks at her worried.

It's easy to get drunk if you drink like this, right?

After half an hour, Bai Jing fell on the sofa.

Drunk so soon? QAQ……

Su Mian pushes Bai Jing and finds that there is no way to push her. So Mian has to go out and ask black housekeeper for help.

"Black housekeeper, my friend is drunk. Help me to take her to my room."

After hearing this, the black housekeeper asked a little surprised, "madam, are you sure it's the room?"

Su Mian nodded.

The black housekeeper looked down at the drunk Bai Jing and thought, I can't imagine that this little white face is so bold and dare to enter the lady's room, so I must inform the master immediately.

Su Mian sees that the black housekeeper directly carries Bai Jing on the front, and she makes a sound.

"What's the problem?" the black housekeeper asked doubtfully

Su Mianmian: "..."

Xiaojing's chest is directly attached to the black housekeeper's shoulder. Is there really no feeling?

"It's OK. You and you should be lighter."

The black housekeeper nodded oddly.

When they arrived at the room, Su Mian asked the black housekeeper to put Bai Jing on the bed, and the black housekeeper listened and did without saying a word.

In order to make Bai Jing more comfortable, Su Mian reached out and unbuttoned one of the buttons on her chest. Then she felt a hot sight staring at her all the time.

She took back her hand and said, "OK, you go out first."

The black housekeeper took a deep look at Su Mian and said, "OK, madam."

As soon as the black housekeeper went out, he immediately called Huo ting.

He said, "master, I have something to report to you. A friend of my wife came to see her. After a while, they drank together. Then the man was drunk and was in my wife's room..."
