After Huo Ting pacified Su Mian, although he knew that Bai Jing was a woman, there was an outsider in his room, which made Huo always have a diaphragma in his heart.

Today's room, anyway, he is not going back.

Go back tomorrow to disinfect this room thoroughly!

And Butler Hei, he gave a small report to Huo ting on the principle of loyalty. Ordinary people can't really see that Bai Jing is a woman QAQ……

So, can't blame the black housekeeper?!

However, if he doesn't punish at all, Huo Ting can't say it in his heart.

So, he ordered, "the guests in the room are friends and women who are valued by Mianmian. Today, you will accompany her until she wakes up. By the way, as long as she is here for a few days, you can take care of her temporarily!"

Black housekeeper: "..."

His face has always been a light smile can not stand up!

The host didn't know that he was suffering from female phobia. He didn't know that every time he kept a distance of more than five meters from women, he would not be disgusted?!

He takes medicine every time before he "serves" his wife, OK?!

"That's settled. You can go." Hoting said.

“…… OK. " Black housekeeper wants to cry without tears.


When Bai Jing wakes up, she sees the expressionless face of the black tube family.

She blinked, thinking that she must still be sleeping, or how could she meet her sweetheart?

He has refused himself

"I hate it! I absolutely don't like you! What else can I do in my dream? "

She said as she turned and went on sleeping.

The black housekeeper admired the woman!

Such a big bed, she can roll to the bed?!

If it wasn't for professional ethics, he wouldn't want to talk to her.

The black housekeeper sighed and endured the disgusting feeling. He stooped to pick up Bai Jing. When he was about to put her on the bed, Bai Jing suddenly opened her eyes.

The two look at each other.

Bai Jing reached out and touched the face of the housekeeper in the dark. She smiled happily and said, "you are hot! Am I not dreaming? "

The black housekeeper was completely speechless to her. He put her on the bed and let go.

But Bai Jing's Dictionary didn't give up these two words!

Although she didn't know why she woke up to see the black housekeeper, and the black housekeeper was so close to her.

However, if she doesn't grasp it well, it's not Bai Jing's character!

She immediately hugged the black housekeeper's neck, and then turned over to press, and the black housekeeper was pressed under her.

“……” The black housekeeper's eyes widened in shock.

Then it is tragic to find that as a man, his strength is not as strong as Bai Jing!

Is this woman really a woman?! Where does she look like a woman?! The whole body is not a bit like, the master really did not cheat him?

Of course, Bai Jing has been practicing martial arts since she was a child. It's not too difficult to press a man. Moreover, black housekeeper is successful when she has no defense!

"What do you want to do?!" The black housekeeper's voice was a little shaky for the first time.

"What do you say?!" Bai Jing looks at him with a smile, then reaches out and wipes his face. He is very satisfied with his touch and says, "your skin is so good! It's a man I really like. "

“……” I'm afraid he met a female hooligan?!