Qiao Anqi tells Su Mian what Huo Ting said. "Mian, I'll help you to sit up first," she said

Su nodded painfully.

Qiao Anqi reaches out to hold Su Mian's arm, but they are both similar in body shape. Qiao Anqi can't help her up for a while.

At this time, Bai Jing comes back. She sees blood on the ground. Then Su Mianmian and Qiao Anqi get entangled. She gets angry and says loudly, "Qiao Anqi! What are you doing?! "

Joanne Qi was shocked and looked up at her blankly.

Su Mianmian sees Bai Jing coming back and says, "Xiao Jing, come and help me."

Bai jingleng Leng, hurried to go over, said, "you let go, I come."

Joanne took a step back.

Bai Jing is so strong that she bends down and picks up Princess Su Mian.

Maybe Bai Jing came back. Su Mian was not so worried. She said, "uncle has come. Let's go down first."

Bai Jing glared at Qiao Anqi. Su Mian knew that she had misunderstood her when she saw her. She said, "it's my own wrestling. Angel came to help me. Fortunately, I can contact uncle only with her."

"Really?" Bai Jing asked in question.

"Yes, thanks to her this time." Said Su Mian.

Qiao Anqi takes Su Mian's cell phone to her and says innocently, "Mian your cell phone, that Do you want me to go down with you? "

She seemed a little afraid of Bai Jing.

Bai Jing looked at her and said, "thanks, but you don't need to go down. I can do it."

Finish saying, Bai Jing also does not give time Su Mian to talk, directly holding her to walk to the door.

When both left, Qiao closed the dormitory door.

Then she took out the mop and began to mop the ground. As long as she cleaned the ground, no one would find that she had applied a layer of oil on the ground


Bai Jing, holding Su Mian in her arms, said apologetically, "Mian, I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you. Last night, I temporarily informed all the students of the Department to lead the uniform downstairs."

So when Su Mian came up today, they were not there.

Su Mian bit her lips and asked, "Xiaojing, will my baby be ok?"

She reached for her stomach. She was really scared.

Although she doesn't have the feeling of fetal movement, she can feel her presence. So when she just wrestled, she was really afraid that the baby in her stomach would be hurt.

Bai Jing said, "don't think too much about it! Your baby is lucky! It must be OK! "

When they got downstairs, they didn't wait long. Then they saw Huo Ting coming.

Bai Jing hands Su Mian to Huo ting and says, "she just fell down. It's a bit Bleeding. "

Huo Ting takes Su Mian, doesn't say anything, turns around and walks into helicopter.

But Su Mian could feel Huo Ting's arm seemed to be a little shaky. She looked up at Huo ting and found that his mouth was tightly pursed.

"Uncle, my stomach is not very painful now. You don't have to worry too much."

Hoting took a deep look at her and said, "I'm sorry."

Su Mian was slightly shocked and asked, "why do you say sorry to me?"

"I didn't take care of you." Hoting said.

"It's not your fault, it's my careless walking." Su Mian reached for Huo Ting's hand and said, "our baby will be OK!"