The business of opening a shop was so ordered. The boss said that in order to prove that the shop had nothing to do with him, he would give Su Mian the right to name it.

"Such an important right is really given to me?" Su Mian asked again.

"Yes, I will." The boss said on the phone, "please send me a wechat after you think about it! No, I have to go to the meeting When can I be free again! "

Su Mian hears the boss's whine and takes his cell phone away.

"Ah! Mianmian, if sister-in-law has some news coming over! Please let me know! "

"I see!" Su Mian returns.

"Hang up!" Said the boss.


Su Mianmian hands the phone to Huo ting.

That's right! Now uncle even Su Mian has to control the time of his phone call. He's crazy!

"Not more than a minute?" Asked Su Mian.

Huo Ting nodded and said again, "next time I'll talk about such a small thing."

"Farewell! Uncle, you don't know how scary you are! " If uncle really goes to talk with her boss, the boss will definitely make complaints about her after all. QAQ!

Huo Ting rubbed Su's head and stopped talking about it. He asked, "I have a good suggestion for the name of the store."

Su Mian smelled the words and her eyes lit up. She asked, "what?"

"Little sheep." Huo Ting said with a smile, "how about a little sheep cake shop?"

Su Mianmian: "..."

Why is the name so familiar? Isn't that the cake shop that uncle used to kill with "no discount"?


"It's not very good..." Su Mianmian said, "the name is a bit silly."

"Why?! I think it suits you very well. " Huo Ting said, "OK! That's the name, isn't it? "

What?! That's the decision?!

The right to name her?!

No way! It can't be.

Su Mian grabbed Huo Ting's hand and said, "uncle, I think it's better to think about it again."

"I like this." "Don't you like it?" said hotting

Su Mianmian: "..."

Can she say she doesn't like it?

Mianmian secretly looks up at Huo ting and feels that uncle should not accept what he says he doesn't like Right?

"I like..." QAQ!

"That's it!"


After the name came down, the next thing was to choose the store and decorate it.

These all don't need Su Mian to worry about. She is now a comfortable pregnant woman.

Mianmian now has a bigger and bigger stomach. She has to go to the hospital for an examination every week. This day, she is accompanied by Dongdong.

Because Uncle happened to be on a business trip, it will take him two days to come back.

In the car, Dong Dong pastes the face of the bun on Su's long belly and asks, "Baa Baa, are sisters obedient today?"

In fact, you can see the gender in seven months of B-ultrasound, but Su Mianmian doesn't want to know.

But Huo ting and Dong Dong decided that they had a baby girl in their belly and refused to listen to other different answers.

This is also full of abuse!

From June, the babies in her stomach began to move. Su Mian often felt them.

Dong Dong also likes to interact with the babies with Su Mian's belly, which makes him feel very interesting.

For the Huo family, both babies are looking forward to their coming.