After su Mian got off the yacht, she thought the captain would take her home, but the place they went to was the hospital.

When Su Mian looks at the respectful doctor standing in front of her, she doesn't want to get out of the car.

She asked, "how did you get me here?"

The captain replied, "it's boss's order."

Su Mian hears the words, not surprised at all. Uncle is the kind of person who will send her to the hospital if she sneezes.

She was kidnapped. How could she not go to the hospital for a good "check"?


However, uncle is not here now!

Su Mian turned her eyes and said with a smile, "Captain, shall we discuss it?"

The captain looked at Su Mian, touched his face, and said, "please don't embarrass us workers."

Su Mianmian: "..."

"Madam, please get out of the car."

"That..." Su Mianmian said, "I have nothing to do now. Please send me back and pretend that we have finished the inspection. As long as you don't say I don't say, uncle won't know..."

"BAABAA, you are not so obedient." Dongdong interrupts Su Mian's words.

“……” Su Mian turned to look at Dongdong and said, "Dongdong, aren't we good friends? You should be on my side. "

"But I think Dad is right. BAABAA, you'd better check it." Winter said.

QAQ…… ok

Su Mian reluctantly gets out of the car. Dongdong reaches for her hand and pulls her. She looks like a little adult. She says, "BAABAA, don't be afraid of HA, I'll be with you all the time!"

QAQ! It's not because she's afraid that she won't be examined.

The doctor came up and said, "Madam Huo, please come with me."


The examination was relatively simple. Two tubes of blood were taken for test. The doctor looked at the test sheet and asked Su Mian some questions and put her back.

It was much faster than she thought.

"Look! As expected, I have nothing to do. " Su Suan can not help but Tucao when he gets on the bus. "If you listen to me, I won't need to make complaints about these two tubes of blood."

Dong Dong pretends to be dead with the captain, pretending to hear nothing.

Su Mian said two sentences, then he didn't say.

After the car came back to Huo's house, Su Mian's first thing was to take a bath.

Su Mianmian felt that he was sticky and had a kind of indescribable pain.

When she came out of the bath, she saw that Huo Ting had come back, but he seemed a little strange.

By this time, it was completely dark, but he did not turn on the light.

He was standing at the window, looking ahead. The moonlight was on his face, but his expression was a little ferocious.

Su Mian was startled. She called in a low voice, "uncle."

Huo Ting turns to look at Su Mian, and the expression on his face has returned to the same way as before.

Is it her illusion?

Su blinked.

Huoting turned on the light and said, "why don't you dry your hair?"

After he said this displeased, he came over, picked up the towel, gently wiped Su's hair, and took her to sit in front of the dresser, helping her dry her hair.

Su Mian reached for Huo Ting's hand and asked, "uncle, are you hiding something from me?"

Huo Ting's hand slightly a meal, say, "why to ask so?"

His voice is very ordinary.

Su Mian thought for a moment and said, "you are a little strange in this period..."