Huo Zhenyuan was not surprised by Huo Ting's furious reaction. He smilingly picked up the teacup at hand, took a sip, put it back in place, and then turned to him and said, "I'm going to marry Joanne Qi."

Su Mian is silly. Looking back at huoting, he finds that he is shocked.

"Dad, you Are you going to marry Angie? " Su Mian found her voice hard. "Is this true?"

Some of Huo Ting couldn't believe what he heard, because he was shocked and had no expression on his face.

In fact, he should have noticed. When we see the red lanterns and the red lanterns, this idea has already emerged from the bottom of our hearts.

Only when he got Huo Zhenyuan's confirmation, he found that he could not easily accept the fact, even if he had mental preparation.

On the other hand, Huo Zhenyuan's face is leisurely, with a slight hook on the corner of his mouth and a light, happy smile on the corner of his eyes and brow, as if what a beautiful thing happened to him.

Such a big contrast, if they do not sit opposite, talk about small things, but like in two different space.

The happy smile on Huo Zhenyuan's face stimulated Huo Ting completely, and the shock color on his face gradually disappeared, instead of the strong anger.

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Huo Ting asked coldly. Those words seemed to come out one by one from the middle of his teeth. With cold breath, they went to Huo Zhenyuan in his sight.

"Why, do you think I'm old enough?" Huo Zhenyuan was angry first, his eyes were wide open, and the happy smile on his face disappeared. He was obviously angry by huoting's words.

"You're really confused." Huo Ting said rudely, "how old are you? Again? Ms. fan... "

"Shut up!" Huo Zhenyuan shouted angrily, "you can't care about my business!"

But after hearing this, Huo Ting only thought that he was guilty.

He gave a cold snort.

Su Mianmian looks at uncle and Huo Zhenyuan, and thinks that it's not good for them to quarrel like this.

"Is this too urgent, dad?" Su asked in a low voice.

"No hurry." Huo Zhenyuan smiles and shakes his head. For Su Mian, his attitude is different.

He said with a smile: "in fact, I have been secretly preparing for some days."

Su Mian has nothing to say. Turning her head, she finds Huo Ting's face tense. Obviously, she is also angry with this matter.

Huo Ting didn't speak, just looked at Huo Zhenyuan coldly. He didn't want to say a word more now. His anger was like the volcano that erupted for thousands of years.

"Why her?" Huo Ting repressed his anger and asked coldly.

Huo Zhenyuan wants to get married. He won't stop her, but why must she?

Huo Zhenyuan's face was cold. For a while, the expressions on the two father's and son's faces were so similar.

After half a sound, Huo Zhenyuan's face calmed down. He looked at Huo Ting, who was angry in the opposite direction, and said seriously: "angel is a good girl. She is so young and willing to follow me. We really love each other."

Huo Zhenyuan suddenly laughed and was satisfied with his shallow face. At his age, some people can ignore their identity, background, age and appearance. They just love him. Isn't it worth him to promise her a grand wedding?

"True love?!" Hoting's sneering.

"Of course, if it's not true love, Angie is so young and excellent, why would she follow me? So, I can't let her have no name, I'm going to give her a big wedding. I'm going to invite all the people in the industry to come here and join her with everyone's blessing. "

"Enough." Hoting can't hear any more. He coldly looked at the man with a happy smile on his face and angrily asked, "are you going to put the Huo's face under your feet?"

"You are enough." Huo Zhenyuan can't suppress his anger any more. "I'm just informing you now, but I don't need your consent. I have made sure of it and will not change it again. "

He then proudly turned his head and put on a look that didn't want to take care of him.

Joke, the matter that he Huo Zhenyuan decides, still want to be denied by his son?

Huo Ting was obviously angry, but he felt powerless. Huo Zhenyuan is obviously dazed by Qiao Anqi. His mind is not clear. It is unlikely that he will change his mind.

"Fan Fu just died, you must do so ugly?" Huo Ting asked with a frown.

Huo Zhenyuan didn't expect Huo ting to mention Mrs. fan suddenly, and his face flashed a look of consternation.

However, he soon recovered his normal look, but the smile in his eyes disappeared.

"She's dead." Huo Zhenyuan said slowly. "Not to mention what she did to me..." He suddenly stopped and sighed, "I don't want to talk about the past. No matter what, she's gone. I can't keep myself trapped because of her."He slowly looked up and looked into Huo Ting's eyes. "It's because of her. Now I understand that she was wronged in the past, so I will not wronged angel this time."

"You really don't think there's a problem?" Huo Ting is very unhappy to ask.

Huo Zhenyuan frowned and looked puzzled. "What's the problem?"

"Her face!" Huo Ting snorted, "don't you think there's a problem?"

Huo Zhenyuan began to be silent and didn't go to see him.

But his reaction made Huo Ting more angry. "Her face is 80% similar to mother's, isn't it a problem?"

This is the reason why he is so angry. Huo Zhenyuan can get married, but that person must not be Qiao angqi.

The woman's face knew at the first sight that there must be something wrong with it.

And just mentioned Mrs. fan, not to say that he was satisfied with Mrs. fan, but did not like Qiao Anqi, especially her face, really made him diaphragmatic!

"Your woman can be anyone, but never Joanne!" Hoting cold road.

He could not repress his anger as long as he saw Joanne Qi's face and saw her walking around with a face that looked like his mother.

Huo Zhenyuan's expression softened for the first time. He looked at Huo ting and said seriously, "your mother is always my favorite person. This will never change."

"What about her?" Asked Huo ting. "Look at her face, don't you feel sick? No matter how her face looks, she's not my mother. "

Huo Zhenyuan didn't speak, just hung his head silently and didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Huo Ting frowned. "Her face is so like my mother's, don't you think it's fake?"