"Dad, you are an elder. What do you do? As an elder, we are not qualified to say it." The implication of Su Mian's words is that you can do whatever you like. Anyway, we are younger generation, so you are happy.

"Just, no matter what! Can't you talk well? Why do you have to do it?! " Su Mian said angrily, "almost hurt uncle's eyes!"

Su Mian seldom gets angry, but that doesn't mean she won't.

Just then, she was angry as long as she remembered.

Huoting sees Su Mian's angry appearance, but he is not depressed.

He looked at Su Mian a little dark.

Huo Zhenyuan was so angry that he scolded, "do you talk like that? Besides, I teach my son, you... "

"That's my man!" Su Mian said angrily, "you can't beat my man in front of me!"

Su Mian's words are so powerful and domineering.

All of a sudden, both men were subdued by her.

Huo Ting looks at Su Mian deeply, and suddenly wants to hold her in his arms.

The little sheep is so cute!

"How can you hit people?! Don't you know that it hurts me to hit uncle? Uncle, how can you do this?! Besides, uncle is your child Whoops! " Su Mian said and cried.

Huo Zhenyuan was speechless.

Pregnant women cry when they say it!

And he didn't fight hotting, did he? Does she cry like this?!

"You, you are almost OK..." Huo Zhenyuan said, "he's ok..."

Huo Zhenyuan looks at Huo ting and finds that his mouth is splitting and he is smiling, with a very poor expression.

Who knows, he doesn't say it's OK. As soon as he says it, Su Mian starts crying again.

"What's the matter?! It's all broken! " Su is crying.

Huo Zhenyuan: "..."

All right! Don't worry about pregnant women.

Huo Ting looks at Su Mian and thinks she is cute. He kisses her on the forehead and says, "Mian Mian, don't cry. Let's go home and wipe the medicine."

Su Mian took a sniff and said, "well, dad is so hateful. I don't want to see him."

"Well, next time I'll come by myself."

"No, if you come, what will you do if you are beaten by your father?" Su Mian said sadly.

Huo Zhenyuan: "..." That's enough!

Do these two regard him as air?

Huo Zhenyuan stared at them and said, "it's better if you don't come! I province see you angry! Hoting, you don't have to come! Do you hear me?! "

Su Mian holds Huo Ting's hand and looks at Huo Zhenyuan with a bulging face, like an angry hamster.

Huo Zhenyuan watched her childish performance and told himself, forget it, don't worry about pregnant women.

He added, "I'll tell you when the wedding date comes out." He said as gently as he could.

"No more." When Huo Ting intended to do so, Huo Ting said word by word, "I will not attend your wedding. You want to lose yourself. You lose yourself. "

Huo Zhenyuan said angrily, "what do you mean by that?"


"Go away!" Huo Zhenyuan said angrily, "get out of here!"

Huo Ting looked at him, turned around and took Su Mian and left.

This made Huo Zhenyuan more powerful. After they left, Qiao Anqi came over timidly and said, "I'm sorry, it's all because of me If I don't want to have a wedding, I don't want to see you embarrassed... "

Compared with being ignorant, Qiao Anqi is more considerate when he is angry with his son and daughter-in-law.

Looking at her face, Huo Zhenyuan felt more and more like his wife when she was young. He said, "it's OK, I said, I want to give you a grand wedding..."

Qiao angqi leaned over and said, "uncle, you are so kind to me!"

Huo Zhenyuan patted her on the back, and the two snugly leaned together


After they left the old house and got on the car, Huo Ting sat silent, his whole body exuding the breath of strangers not entering.

Su Mian took his big hand, some uneasy exhortation, "uncle, don't be angry, OK?"

Huo Ting turned around and raised her hand and rubbed her head.

"I've never seen you so angry." Su Mianmian leaned on his shoulder and held his arm. "Uncle, I think Dad has made up his mind this time. So don't be angry with dad. It's useless. I think the most important thing is Joanne Qi. "

Within a few months, Huo Zhenyuan was not only willing to marry her, but also pregnant. Who would believe that she was ok?

"I'm not worth it for my mother. I'll forget the rest. Her face I really can't accept it. " Hoting said coldly, "I will not let her succeed."It's not that he wants to be in charge of Huo Zhenyuan's business. He is willing to be cheated. That's his business. And he just can't see the woman with a face that looks like his mother's face.

"Uncle, what are you going to do?" Su Mian looked up at him and asked carefully.

"Just find out." Huo Ting eased her face and hugged Su Mian, making her more comfortable and dependent on herself. "All the evidence is in front of the old man. It's his own business to decide what to do."

"Uncle, you won't be angry, will you?" Su Mian raised his hand and rubbed Huo Ting's face with a smile. "Be careful if the baby is affected, it will become a balloon later."

Huo Ting was stunned, and soon his face was relieved. He looked down at Su Mian's round stomach, and said that he could not harm his son because of a faint old man.

After su mianmianmian was sent home, huoting and Chen CE went to the study.

He sat down on the sofa in his study with a cold face, looked at Chen CE, and said, "how is Qiao Anqi's information?"

Aware that the indoor temperature dropped by dozens of degrees in a short moment, Chen CE shook his body involuntarily, and said that the killing power of boss had increased a lot.

Did not dare to delay, he opened the folder in his hand, carefully scanned two eyes, and then said: "as far as the data checked at present, there should be no problem with Qiao Anqi's identity. She is a cousin of Zheng Shao's mistress, which has been proved. But... "

"But it could be fraud." Huo Ting chuckled, "continue to check, I want to prove that she is really that person."

He leaned on the sofa, one hand on the armrest, his index finger slightly.

Chen CE looked at his hand and felt that his heart was beating with the shaking of his index finger. He is suddenly afraid. If boss's fingers stop knocking next second, will his heart stop beating?

In his heart, Chen CE tugged at the corners of his mouth to put aside this unreliable nonsense.

"Chen CE, check the medical records. I want to know where her face was made and who did it for her."

80% of the similarity is absolutely impossible to be coincidence.

At least, he didn't believe it was a coincidence. And still under such a coincidence, he didn't believe it.

Huo Ting suddenly made a noise, and Chen CE subconsciously agreed loudly, "yes, give me two days, and I'll check it for you right away."

"Go." Huo Ting waved and said, "as soon as possible."

He turned his head and looked out the window.

Just a dark cloud came slowly, casting a large shadow.