"Continuous!" Huo Ting cried out and waved his hands in a random way, as if to catch something.

But he couldn't hold anything. Fear and helplessness climbed into his heart.

He told himself, it's not right!

This kind of thing will not happen!

It must be an illusion!

It's an illusion!

It's an absolute illusion!

Huo Ting's mind was in confusion. He only remembered the dazzling red he saw at last and the terrible white around him.

The two extreme colors seem to drive him crazy. One red and one white turn into a circle. They rotate and twine in front of him.

He felt that there was only one circle left in the world in front of him, and his mind and spirit also circled and rotated.

"Continuous." He just clings to the deepest attachment in his heart, murmuring.

Su Mianmian sleeps in a daze. Suddenly she hears someone calling her. She turns her head and sees the slightly horrible look on huoting's face.


She woke up in a flash, went to the hand of La hoting and asked, "what's the matter with you, uncle?"

As if hearing her cry, Huo Ting's look was a little more gentle.

He slowly turned his head, saw Su Mian, and unconsciously moved down to her.

As if he didn't see clearly enough, he reached for her stomach.

"If it's OK." Light sigh, as if the wind general, brush your cheek, then disappear.

Su Mian, who was held by Huo Ting, heard the sigh clearly, and a strange feeling came out from the bottom of his heart.

What's the matter with uncle?


It's not like that, because this is not the first time.

In recent days, although Huo Ting tried his best to cover up, Su Mian, as his sleeper, could not know nothing.

Many nights, when she woke up, she saw Huo Ting's face looking at herself soberly. The uneasiness and tension in her eyes were clearly reflected in her own eyes.

She could clearly feel his hesitation and uneasiness, but after asking, he didn't admit it, just said he woke up by coincidence, or he just came home.

Because nothing else happened, Su Mian didn't think about it.

But at this moment, Su Mian felt uneasy.

"Uncle." Su Mian whispered, his hands around his back, gently patting, "are you having a nightmare?"

"No." Huo Ting denied her idea.

But Su Mian didn't believe it this time.

"Then what did you dream of?" Asked Su Mian.

Huo Ting took a deep breath. He covered his face and said nothing.

Naturally, he would not tell her about those hallucinations.

He looked up and couldn't help looking at her stomach.

Su Mian looked at him nervously and looked at his stomach. Suddenly he wanted to laugh and said, "are you worried about the baby? The baby is very good and healthy. "

"I'm worried about you." Hoting looked at her deeply.

As long as he thought of everything in his dream, his hands were still slightly shaking at the moment.

Su Mian is happy to hear that. She laughs and says, "what can I worry about?"

But huoting still looked at her very seriously, and Su Mian restrained her smile.

Looking at Huo Ting's face, she felt a strange feeling.

"Uncle, should not I this pregnant woman does not have antenatal depression, did you get pregnant husband antenatal depression?"