"Don't lie to me, uncle. I must know!"

After su Mianmian said this, he waited for Chen CE's reply.

Chen CE is naturally pondering all kinds of things. Su Mian knows how much.

In other words, why didn't he follow boss in today's meeting?!

In this way, he won't have to face his wife.

"What about people?" Su Mian said displeased.

Chen CE tried to make his voice sound more sincere and peaceful. He said with a smile: "little madam, you are not kidding me, are boss going to have nightmares? Ha ha ha, this is a big news. I think boss is invincible in the world and is not afraid of anything. "

"You don't know?"

"Of course I don't know." Chen CE didn't want to answer, "how can boss let me know about such a embarrassing thing. Mrs. Mianmian, you can't tell boss. When you know about boss's embarrassment, he becomes angry I, I don't have a good time. "

"But you smile a little fake." Said Su Mian.

"Madam, who in the company doesn't know that I am a facial paralysis! I seldom laugh at ordinary times. Maybe it sounds a little weird... " Chen CE began to talk. He naturally shifted the topic and asked, "but why do you suddenly ask me this?"

Su Mian Leng Leng, said, "you have the longest time with uncle every day, I think you know."

It turns out

It's no wonder that Xiaohua suspects that he's engaged in fundraising.

Think what a straight man he is.

Chen CE said sincerely, "in fact, I'm not familiar with boss. Really, when we're together, it's just work I mean, I don't really know his private affairs. However, it's just a dream. Madam, you don't need to worry too much. Maybe it's too much pressure. "

Su Mian was silent and said, "maybe it is, but Chen CE, if there is something wrong with uncle, you must inform me."

"OK, no problem." Chen CE promised immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Su Mian always has a feeling that she can't say.

It's really as simple as Chen CE said. It's just a nightmare that everyone will have?

But when she woke up several times, she found that her uncle didn't fall asleep and looked at her with eyes open.

She can't say that feeling. The uncle at that time gave her a feeling of despair.

It may be a bit inappropriate to use this word. Now that the relationship between the two is harmonious and there will be a baby soon, it's impossible to feel despair according to the truth.

It's really strange

The seeds of doubt are quietly rooted in the deepest part of her heart. Su Mian feels that things may not be so simple at all.

In the next few days, Huo Ting always behaved in a very normal way. It seems that he didn't have nightmares. Slowly, Su Mian put this matter in his heart for a while and didn't ask again.

More than half a month later, Su Mian's stomach has been more than eight months at this time, and the expected delivery period is another month.

Doctors say twins usually give birth ahead of time.

So huoting seems to be a little nervous, even Su Mian has to guard a toilet.

Su Mianmian has made a big fire for this, so there is no personal freedom?!

Then Huo tingmian relaxed his man marking policy a little bit, just a monitor Still staring.

To this, black housekeeper expresses, the master's illness is really not light, still cannot cure!