Zheng Shao is very familiar with them. If he doesn't know their people, he thinks they are familiar with them.

Huo Ting slightly frowned and said, "long time no see."

"Is this Huo Er Shao?" Zheng Shao smiled and held out his hand.

Huo Zun looked at him and held out his hand. He secretly tried hard.

Zheng Shao's face is slightly stiff, and he still keeps the smile on his face.

Huo Zun felt bored and said, "brother, let's go."

"Wait." A slightly enchanting female voice suddenly rings to stop Huo ting and them from leaving.

It turned out to be the second lady who followed Zheng Shao.

Huo Zun glanced at her.

"Don't hurry." The woman's voice rang again.

Huo Zun looked back at his arm, and said, "Hey, woman, who will let you touch me? Get your dirty hands off me. "

He shook off the woman's hand, and took out a handkerchief to wipe his sleeve. The expression of disgust on his face was that he didn't give Zheng Shao and his second wife any face.

Zheng Shao frowned subconsciously, but soon spread out. From the beginning to the end, the kind smile on his face never disappeared.

Huo Zun looks at the two ladies in front of him with a disgusted look, humming and muttering, "Zheng Shao, I find that you have a strange appetite recently, so old dishes can be swallowed?"

Zheng Shao's face is slightly stiff, but he still keeps the kind smile on his face. He holds the hand of the second lady and says with a smile: "look at what you say, each flower goes into each eye, and everyone likes it differently. You don't like it, but I think Anju is very good. "

Zheng Shao can maintain the smile on his face, but the second lady is not happy.

She sipped her bloody red lips and stared at Huo Zun unhappily. "Huo Zun, is that how you talk to your elders?" Yang said

Huo Zun is scared. He hides behind Huo ting in a hurry and looks around. He is afraid of being caught.

"Where are the elders?" He covered his chest, was scared to breathe began to become rapid, "heart is not good, courage is small, most afraid of being scolded by elders."

The funny look on that face made everyone in the neighborhood smile.

But the second lady did not know that he was teasing himself, but thought that his intimidation had played a role.

She proudly straightened her chest, stepped forward a step, lit her nose, and the crow's feet ran out of the corner of her eyes.

"The elders are here."

"Where? Why can't I see it? " Huo Zun pokes his head out from behind huoting, looking left and right, but automatically blocks the two ladies in front of him, as if he could not see her at all.


The second lady is not happy to raise the volume, people also toward Huo Zun in front of a step. "It's me."

At last, Huo Zun was willing to pay attention to the second lady's face. At this point, he screamed and backed away, not forgetting to pull Huo Ting back together.

"My elders have been dead for many years. Where did you come out? Is it a man or a ghost? " Huo Zun said with a sneer, "since you come to me, do you need me to burn some money for you?"

Rao is always boasting that he is a good man. Zheng Shao, who has a smiling face, can't hold his smile.

He bit his teeth and squeezed out an ugly smile. "Huo Zun, it's all family. Don't make fun of it."

"Are you kidding?" Huo Zun straightened up and suddenly became serious. "Zheng Shao, I'm very serious, and I never joke."

Zheng Shao grits his teeth and scolds in his heart. You are serious. If you are serious, are there serious people in the world?

In the heart scolds, but on his face actually does not show any expression, still hangs that signboard smile.

"Well, how can you say that? With our relationship, can I still argue with you?"

Huo Zun also secretly scolds in his heart. He has never seen such a fake person. He was ridiculed as such and even laughed.

Lying trough, it's really a talent.

"Zheng Shao, do you have any relationship with us?" he said seriously

"Why doesn't it matter?" Without waiting for Zheng Shao to answer, the second lady called out first.

She pointed to the pictures of Huo Zhenyuan and Qiao Anqi, which were placed not far away. She proudly held her chest and said, "Angie is going to marry Huo Lao soon. Angel is my sister, but you are the son of Mr. Huo. Ha ha, you say, what should you call me? "

Before she had finished speaking, she couldn't help laughing.

She holds Zheng Shao's arm and smiles that tears will come out. "Zheng Shao, I, I'm really not used to it. I suddenly became an aunt and had two more nephews of this size."

"All right." Zheng Shao smiled and interrupted her words, "although it's true, but it's a special situation. In the future, don't say it directly in front of everyone, so as not to look bad on each other's faces.""It's true. Why can't you say it?" The second lady is not happy. "No matter where she goes, the relationship can't be changed."

Zheng Shao hurriedly pulled her hand, pulled her back to his side, and then apologized to Huo Ting: "you don't care, she hasn't seen much of the world, can't speak."

"So if you have a brain problem, such goods can be seen." Huo Zun couldn't suppress his anger and roared out directly.

Shit, can't they be fools? Who can't see that the second lady was shot by Zheng Shao?

"What's the matter with me?" The second lady touched her face and said, "my cousin and I are both rare beauties. Huo Zun, you are the one who has eye problems."

After a pause, she pulled down her face again and said unhappily, "and how can you say that about your aunt? People will not feel that you are impolite and don't understand dignity and inferiority when they listen to you? "

"Auntie?" Huo Zun suddenly looked curious and walked around the second lady, then stood beside Huo Ting, scratched his head, and showed a strange expression, "elder brother, mother has been dead for so many years, how can anyone come to visit relatives? If you dare to say that, aren't you afraid my mother will come to you? "

Huo Ting frowned slightly. Seeing Huo Ting playing a joke on his mother, he didn't agree with her.

"Otaru." He gave a low cry.

Huo Zun's heart was going to be angry. He looked at the second lady with a look of disdain and said.

"Auntie, you are my mother's elder sister at your age, but just like you Tut Tut, no way. I don't think you are qualified to have a relationship with my mother in your life. You are not a family at first glance. "