Huo Zhenyuan's sincere confession is very abrupt in such an occasion. When guests come to drink wedding wine, who cares what kind of person the bride is?

Besides, they are there for you and me, as if they were the only one left in the world.

If two beautiful people forget it, these two

Huo Zun couldn't help it. He said angrily, "elder brother, how about I cut off the power here now?"

With his ability, it's only a minute!

He can't see it anymore!

Huo Ting looked at him and said, "calm down."

Sitting under the stage, Huo Zun can no longer bear to spit out the tea in his mouth, a fit of retching.

"Shit, is there anything more disgusting than them?"

Looking at her disgusting face and the old man's disgusting words, he felt very uncomfortable.

"Big brother, I can't read any more." Huo Zun said painfully.

"No trouble."

Huo Ting held his hand and slowly turned to look at him. He lost a little calm look.

Comparatively speaking, Huo Ting is more calm than Huo Zun. Even though his mood at the moment is similar to that of Huo Zun, looking at those two people is disgusting.

However, he is different from Huo Zun. He was very clear that in the current environment, it would be useless to talk about all the facts impulsively.

"Elder brother, do you just look at the two of them Leave our Huo family's face behind? "

"What face do we have in the Huo family?"

Huo Zun said gloomily, "Alas I'm so sad. I'm going to go out and relax. I can't see it anymore. "

As soon as he had finished speaking, he got up and left.

Huo Ting didn't stop him. He stayed here. With his violent temper, he could not point out what was wrong.

Huo Zhenyuan on the stage has been talking for a long time. He has carefully told the past that he and Qiao Anqi have known each other, bit by bit.

Whether what he said is true or not, it is not easy to say so much for a woman.

Of course, in the eyes of most people who know about Huo Zhenyuan, it's a little bit too much. It's obvious that Qiao Anqi was deliberately given a long face.

After a deep confession, the host announced loudly: "I believe that the two will be able to cooperate with Meimei for a lifetime. Here, the wedding ceremony is completed. Please leave. "

In the standing and clapping of the guests, Huo Zhenyuan took Qiao Anqi's hand with a gentle face, walked down the platform, walked through the flower gate again, and walked out of the ceremony area.

A wedding is over, and the next part is the wedding banquet.

Huo Zhenyuan and his wife returned to the room. After changing their clothes, they went to the front yard to welcome the guests to the wedding banquet.

Just when they arrived, they just walked into the yard.

When Huo Zhenyuan saw the man in front of him, he suddenly showed a surprise look.

The visitor is about the same age as Huo Zhenyuan, but he has more white hair on his temples.

But the spirit is excellent, the complexion is ruddy, obviously the body is excellent.

He was dressed in a long black Zhongshan suit, which was decent and stylish.

It can be seen that when he was young, he must have been a good young man.

Huo Zhenyuan immediately took Qiao Anqi and walked to the man. When he came near, he held the man's hand excitedly. "Old Yao, why are you back? Didn't you say you couldn't catch the plane? "

"How could I not have come to your wedding. It's just that the plane is late, so I'm late. I can't see the important moment of your wedding. Don't blame me, old Huo. " Yao Lao Yi smiles and holds Huo Zhenyuan's hand. "Lao Huo, I haven't seen you for a long time. You seem to be thinner."

Huo Zhenyuan raised his hand to touch his face, shook his head helplessly, and said, "I was ill before, but I didn't know that I would be fat again. But it's OK. It's said that it's better to be older and thinner. "

"That's right." Yao smiled and nodded, glancing at Qiao Anqi beside him. He couldn't help asking, "Lao Huo, this..."

"Oh, look at me. I forgot such an important thing."

Huo Zhenyuan raised his voice and smiled, hurriedly pulled Qiao Anqi to himself, pointed to Yao Laodao: "Angie, this is old Yao, the friend I mentioned to you. He and his daughter have been living abroad, so you haven't seen them. "

Qiao Anqi walked forward gracefully, nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "I've heard brother yuan mention brother Yao for a long time, but I haven't been able to see you. Big brother Yao is here today. Angel is really happy. "

Yao also smiled and held out his hand.

See, Qiao angqi also generously extended his hand to shake with him, gently shake twice, this just let go of each other's hand.

She smiled sweetly and held Huo Zhenyuan's hand. Then she said, "Yao Lao, you might as well stay for a few more days."

Yao Lao looked at Qiao Anqi up and down, and smiled at Huo Zhenyuan. "Lao Huo, you are so lucky that you have married such a small and beautiful little wife, which is enviable."Huo Zhenyuan laughed, his face full of satisfaction. Obviously, he was quite satisfied with it himself.

Turning around, he took Yao's hand and personally led him to the upper seat.

As he walked, he asked, "old Yao, why didn't Xinyi come back with him? In a word, she hasn't come back to see me for a long time. She really missed her

Listen to him mention this matter, Yao old look is stiff stiff, look deep in the eyes seems to flash something quickly.

It's not enough to hide that look so deep that Huo Zhenyuan, who has been looking at Yao, can't find it.

Yao quickly laughed and said softly, "that kid is doing a research recently. Don't say he's back home. He seldom goes home. However, she asked me to show her a happy new marriage. "

"The child." Huo Zhenyuan shook his head slightly. "She's ready, old Yao. When she's empty, we have to let her come back. Let's play chess again."

"Good." Yao is old but he doesn't laugh.


Yao was arranged to sit on the table. Qiao asked curiously, "brother yuan, is he your good friend? Why didn't you say that before? "

Huo Zhenyuan sighed heavily and said, "well, it's not huoting's fault!"

Qiao angqi blinked doubtfully.

"Xinyi, old Yao's daughter, I was trying to bring her together with Huo ting. Who knows something happened later Xinyi has been staying abroad Oh, come on, let's not talk about it on a happy day! "

"OK." Qiao Angel clapped Huo Zhenyuan's hand understandably, turned to look at the table where huoting's two brothers were, smiled and whispered, "brother yuan, shall we go to huoting's table first?"

"No, hum! These two boys will not come to say hello to us! " Huo Zhenyuan interrupts her with a cold hum and says, "Angie, you are so kind, they treat you so, but you..."