Su Mianmian gave birth to two steamed buns. The eldest one was very lively. When Su Mian picked him up, he opened his eyes wide and looked at Su Mian with round eyes. He was not shy at all.

Su Mian's heart was soft.

The second one is very quiet. When he is full, he sleeps. He hardly turns over. When Su Mian holds him, he sleeps quietly all the time.

Although it's hard to give birth to a baby, when you see the baby, all the hard work is worth it!

Su Mian kisses the eldest and the second. Although the baby just born is not particularly good-looking and her face is still wrinkled, she thinks her baby is very good-looking.

Huoting sees Su Mian holding her baby, and suddenly feels that her position in Su Mian's heart is not guaranteed.

"Long enough, you should have a rest." Hoting said.

Su Mian shook his head and asked, "by the way, uncle, have you thought about the names of the babies?"

They had discussed the baby's name before, but she didn't really like it.

Huo Baobao, Huo Beibei, even if girls call such names, boys will cry.

Huo Ting shakes his head slightly. "I haven't got a clue yet."

He raised his hand and waved it to the nurse. In a low voice, he said, "take the baby down first."

"No." Su Mian hurriedly hugged the child and looked at him warily. "Uncle, I want to be with the child."

"Continuous." Huo Tingfang softened his voice. "You just woke up. You must be very tired. Holding the baby at this time is not good for your health. Moreover, the children are very young and they need to sleep. "

Su Mian is reluctant to give up, but as Huo Ting said, she is really tired.

The nurse also came forward and gently advised: "madam, please rest assured that the baby will be handed over to us."

"All right." Su Mian looked at the child deeply, and saw that the child was indeed sleeping soundly, which made him reluctant to see the little nurse carry the child to sleep.

After waiting for the nurse to put the baby in the crib, Huo Ting drove all the people away directly.

He said softly to Su Mian: "Mianmian, you are tired. Take a rest first, OK?"

"Uncle, will you accompany me?" Asked Su Mian.

"Of course." Hoting took her hand. "I'll be here with you all the time."

Su Mian closed her eyes obediently, but she seemed to forget something important?


By the way!

Uncle's illness!

She must ask Uncle!

Su Mian opens his eyes suddenly, and then sees the face of baozi enlarged by Dongdong.

"Winter, how did you come?" he said

Dongdong looks at Su Mian sadly, and asks gloomily, "Baa Baa, how did younger sisters become younger brothers?"

It's said that there are two cute little sisters?

How to become a brother now?

Winter and winter are very sad. This is the most sad thing since he was born. There is no one.

Su Mianmian: "..." How can I answer that?

It's very sad.

Dongdong always thought it was my sister's! She never told him.

She looked at the lost feeling in winter and said, "in fact, my brother is also very good. If it's my brother, I can play with you. You can play together, can't you? "

"I don't like playing football." Dongdong is still very sad. He looks at his long belly and asks, "does that sister still have one?"