After hearing Su's sigh, huoting reached out and shook her hand and said, "don't worry, there's something I haven't told you, actually..."

He whispered in Su Mian's ear, listening to him with his eyes wide open.

She said, "really? Is that ok? "

"Well, my people are getting close to her. I'm sure they'll get hooked soon She would not have If so, then no one else can be blamed... "

Su Mian nodded, she thought, and said, "I still think she has a kind of strange, I just want to see the babies, I don't agree."

"Well, get her out of here next time."

"That's not good." Su Mianmian said, "she's dad's anyway Don't look at her face and also look at Dad's? "

"It's OK. It's on me to get out."

Sue gave a continuous puff.


But to Su Mian and them, what they didn't expect was that Huo Zhenyuan would come back so soon.

After Huo Zhenyuan returned, they went to bed early.

He is not young in the end. If he is hit like this, he will be in a bad mood and go to bed early.

In the middle of the night, he heard a cry of pain in his ear.

Huo Zhenyuan was woken up and asked, "Angie, what's the matter?"

"I......" Qiao Anxi opens her eyes difficultly, and even has no time to see Huo Zhenyuan. She is holding her stomach and exhaling with pain.

Huo Zhenyuan was scared and hurriedly grasped her hand to prevent her from hurting herself.

"Angie, what's the matter? Let me know."


Qiao Anqi tried her best but could only say this word. Her pale face, clenched lips, blue tendons on her forehead told Huo Zhenyuan everything. She was in pain at this time.

Huo Zhenyuan is very distressed, but he is at a loss. He doesn't know what he should do to alleviate her pain.

"Brother yuan I have a stomachache. " Qiao Anqi grabs Huo Zhenyuan's hand and cries out, "son, Wuwu, brother yuan, you must keep your child."

"The child will be fine." On the one hand, Huo Zhenyuan was shocked, on the other hand, he calmed down quickly.

He called his servants and told them to prepare the car. Then he dressed himself and helped Qiao angqi change clothes.

Didn't dare to delay, Huo Zhenyuan took Qiao Anqi to the hospital.

He watched with panic as Qiao Anqi was sent to the emergency room. Although the door was closed, he could still hear her shrill screams.

"Angie..." Huo Zhenyuan seemed to be a lot older in a moment. The whole person was sitting on the chair dispirited. His mind was in chaos and he could not think of anything.

He looked down at his hands, which were still stained with some blood from Joanne.

Shocking red, like a knife cut in his heart, pain and sour.

It's not easy to have children at his age. Yesterday, he accompanied Qiao angqi to the labor examination. The doctor also told him with a smile that the child was very healthy. When he arrived in October, he would surely have a fat son.

He still remembered that when Qiao Anqi heard this, she was smiling at her, so gentle and so intoxicating.

He really hopes to be able to accompany her, accompany the child to live a comfortable life.

But why?

Huo Zhenyuan covers his face in pain and is extremely sad.

He really don't understand, since God has given him a child, why to take him away so ruthlessly?

The child is innocent. He hasn't even been able to see the world.


The sound of the door being pushed open was like a heavy hammer hitting Huo Zhenyuan's heart. He straightened up abruptly. When he saw that the doctor was coming out, he hurriedly ran over with trembling steps. He grabbed the doctor's arm and asked eagerly, "doctor, how is the situation?"

The doctor's face was painful, and he felt a little helpless and compassionate, "I'm sorry, Mr. Huo, I'm sorry, we have tried our best, but we still failed to save the child."

"Impossible." Huo Zhenyuan was hit by the continuous retreat, completely unwilling to believe what the doctor said.

"It was fine yesterday. Why No more?! " Huo Zhenyuan suddenly opened his eyes, rushed forward a few steps, grabbed the doctor's neck, and roared, "you say, did you harm my son because you didn't master medicine?"? He was fine yesterday. There's no chance that something should happen suddenly. "

The doctor almost fainted when he was suddenly strangled by someone. There was a bit of white in that blue face, and the arteries and blood vessels on the neck were highlighted.

He holds Huo Zhenyuan's hand hard, trying to pull it apart.

"No, it's not."

He coughed for a long time before he could breathe. "I, I tried my best."At this time, the servant nearby also hurriedly urged him to save the doctor from Huo Zhenyuan.

But at this time, Qiao Anqi was pushed out.

As soon as she saw Huo Zhenyuan, she cried bitterly, "brother yuan, our son He, he's gone. "

Huo Zhenyuan's heart was sour, and he gave the doctor a vicious look. Just then he came forward, took Qiao Anqi's hand, and said softly, "don't be sad, there will be children. You can easily hurt yourself by crying like this."

Qiao angqi didn't talk either, just holding Huo Zhenyuan's hand, sticking the back of his hand on his face, sobbing quietly.

They went back to the ward like this. Huo Zhenyuan comforted Qiao Anqi for a long time in a low voice. Seeing her look relieved, he turned around and stared at the doctor and said, "you can tell me why? Yesterday you told me that the baby was healthy and everything was OK. "

The doctor was obviously scared by Huo Zhenyuan. He stared at him, and subconsciously hid.

After a few steps back, he said with a nervous face: "this situation must be something wrong today."

"What's the problem?" Huo Zhenyuan looks fierce. "If you can't say it clearly, it's up to you."

"Mr. Huo..." The doctor thought that he was really unlucky. He thought what was the relationship between your woman's abortion and him?

On the surface, the doctor still looked serious, and he said softly, "Mrs. Huo, I want to ask, have you eaten anything today?"

"Food?" Joanne Qi looked at the doctor in some confusion.

Looking at it, she took Huo Zhenyuan's hand again and looked up at him. "I have the same food as brother yuan's today. It's no problem."

Huo Zhenyuan also thinks that Qiao Anqi is the first child, and he naturally attaches great importance to it.

Whether it's for food or for use, it's taken care of by specially assigned person. There won't be any problem at all.