"Long time no see, remember me?" The man laughed.

Su Mian's eyes widened with shock. She said in surprise, "when did you come back? Don't say anything. "

She paused and said, "besides, you are so cool and handsome every time you appear, and you are not making a movie..."

K said with a smile, "no way. Every time I see you, it's like this..."

Su Mian thought about it, as if it were.

Two years later, K seems to have changed a lot. If you only look at his face, he is still a handsome young man. He looks like an excellent student at school.

It's just that his smile has changed. It's warmer when he smiles than it was two years ago.

"Agreed to contact me after settling down, as a result..." Su Mian said angrily, "why don't you contact me?"

K is a little embarrassed to dial the bangs, said, "sister, can we not say this?"

Su Mian is a little shocked by his words.

Two years ago, he wouldn't have called his sister so obediently.

"Are you still my sister? What have you been doing for two years? "

K steps forward and hugs Su Mian, saying, "I'm wrong, forgive me! We haven't seen each other for a long time. Don't read me, will you? "

Su Mian Leng Leng, K really changed a lot, even can be coquettish.

"Forget it, I won't ask this time, but you have to tell me..."

"I see You're getting wordy now. " K laughs.

Su Mian sips the corners of her mouth. She reaches out and taps him on the shoulder, saying, "you seem to grow taller."

"Well, I'm one meter eight three now." K reached for Su's long head and said, "you're shorter."

Su Mianmian: " Son of a bitch! "

It's really getting more and more unlovable!

K smiled at Su Mian brilliantly. He said, "Mian, I really miss you."

Said, K once again hugged Su Mian.

The poor driver saw the scene of two people embracing each other, and his jaw almost fell off. He rubbed his eyes hard, hoping that what he saw was false.

But let him rub his eyes. The truth is the truth.

"It's over. Why did Madame go with the robber? Shall I tell the captain? " The driver wanted to hit the wall in pain.

He doesn't think the man in front of him is their own person, the people around the captain, he knows all of them, but this guy dressed like a college student, he has never seen.

Su Mian listened to K calling her Mian, couldn't help but reach out and pat him on the shoulder, saying, "what do you say? Shout elder sister, do not shout continuously. "

K said with a smile, "OK, sister."

After he finished, he looked at the driver behind him, saw that he was talking on the phone with his mobile phone, and said, "I'm hungry, can you accompany me to eat something?"

"Yes." Su Mianmian said, "it's just that if you order it, is it lunch or breakfast?"

K laughs. "Two meals."

"All right."

After they got on the bus, Su Mianmian completely forgot to speak to the driver, so that after the driver called, he found that Su Mian had already taken K's car.

"Wait, wait!" He shouted.

The car naturally won't wait for him, and then he looks at the red car in despair.

The whole person is stupid.

What to do? The lady was taken away He can't afford the consequences.

At this time, several other cars stopped in front of him. The captain came down from his car with a heavy face and rushed to the driver.

"And Madame? Where is it? "

"Team, captain?!" The driver's mouth began to tremble, feeling that he was about to be speechless.

The captain frowned and looked around. Except for the Black Knight stuck in the hole, there was only the driver's car.

And the most important person, Su Mian, is nowhere to be found.

He was in a hurry, and then looked at the driver's timidity, and he was immediately annoyed.

A fist smashed past, the driver was hit by the corner of the mouth bleeding, a few steps back, so easy to stand still.

"Say, where on earth has Madame gone?" The captain asked with a cold face.

The driver grasps the sleeve wrongly and wipes the blood from the corner of his mouth. He says sadly: "Captain, it really has nothing to do with me, just madam She, she ran away from the robber. "


The captain was shocked and thought it was ridiculous. How could su Mian have followed the robbers.

"Captain, it's true." The driver was busy. "It seems that Madame and the robber know each other."

The captain frowned, his face depressed and puzzled.

"Tell me all about it!"……

At this time, K and Su Mian are on their way to their destination.

Along the way, slowly, Su Mian began to feel a little strange. How could he walk along the path with all his hands on it? Moreover, the scenery along the way was familiar to him as if he had been here before.

K touched his stomach, smiled and said, "I haven't come back for more than two years. I haven't eaten this noodle for a long time. I miss it in my heart, and I'm a little hungry. I just came here to eat a bowl of noodles."

Su Mian was stunned. He went to see everything around him and found that he had come here and had been with K.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped at a roadside independent cabin.

There is a huge sign outside the house, which says "a noodle shop".

K shows a long lost expression and takes Su Mian to walk in.

Su Mianmian also showed a smile of recollection. As expected, it's here, or this signboard, or this noodle shop.

As I remember, the noodle shop is not very big. There are only a few tables in it. It's a very common small noodle shop, but it's very clean.

Looking at everything in front of her, Su Mian has some questions. She didn't see any guests when she came here last time. This time, it's still the same. She really wants to ask why this shop can survive all the time.

k walked as like as two peas to the counter, and the boss still snored with the same earthquake.

He smiled, tapped on the counter twice, and said, "boss, wake up, we need noodles."

When the boss woke up, he saw that it was K. he was stunned. He was familiar with people.

"Boss, do you remember us?" K asked with a smile.

Su Mian also looked at the boss with a smile. Two years later, he didn't expect the boss here to change.

Listen to K said that, the boss looked at the two people carefully, and immediately smiled. He replied, "I remember you two, they haven't seen each other for two years, but you are still together."

After that, he looked at K with a smile and said in a low voice, "well, I haven't changed my girlfriend for two years. It seems that you are still very devoted."