I don't know what happened. The first person that huochenxi was afraid of was Dongdong and the second was huoting.

Huo Ting said that he did not dare to howl, but the tears will continue to fall, he will continue to use a euphemistic way to let Su Mian compromise.

And Dongdong couldn't help turning a white eye and saying, "huochenxi, you're weak. I didn't use this move when I was a child. It's really out of style."

As soon as Dongdong's words came out, Xiaoxi stood up like a cat with its tail on.

"Well, why is such a stupid man my brother? I'll put up with it if you're sick. " Dongdong looks at him with contempt.

Huo Chenxi lowered his head and thought, as expected, it's still elder brother.

Su Mian looked at the interaction between the two children and said, "Dongdong, you can't say such words to Xiaoxi. What if he goes to learn?"

"It's OK, BAABAA, if he pretends, I can see it at a glance."

Hochenxi QAQ

Su Mianmian: "..."

Huo Chenbei ignored everyone all the time. After he had enough to eat and drink, he wiped his mouth and hands with a paper towel and said, "Mommy, I'm full. Can I go now?"

Compared with Huo Chenxi who has been making trouble all the time, Huo Chenbei should not be too obedient.

Dongdong looks at huochenbei and says to huochenxi, "look at the second brother, he is much smarter than you."

Huo Chenbei said with a small face, "elder brother, please don't compare me with Xiaoxi?"

What's the matter with such a little disgusting taste in this tone?

Hochenxi QAQ


Finally, even if Xiaoxi is reluctant, Su Mianmian has sent her to kindergarten.

He said goodbye to Su Mian in agony, "Mommy, you must pick me up as soon as you finish class..."

"OK." Su Mian rubbed his head and said, "hurry in, Beibei, you look at my brother."

Compared with Xiaoxi, who was born an hour earlier, Beibei is more like a brother.

Huo Chenbei calmly said, "goodbye Mommy." Then he took Xiaoxi's hand and dragged him in violently.

"Goodbye, Mommy..." Xiaoxi waves.



After sending two babies to kindergarten, Su Mian gets on the car.

The driver said aloud, "madam, where are you going?"

Su Mian thought for a moment and said, "take me to the bookstore. I want to buy some books."

"Yes, ma'am." The driver promised to step on the gas and drive slowly and smoothly forward.

Su Mian looks out of the car. She always wants to go to school.

Because of the pregnancy, later uncle was not in good health. She needed to go abroad to take care of him. Between her studies and her family, she chose a family and had to go to H city to go through the formalities of suspension.

But now, the child also went to kindergarten. She wants to go back to school.

City h is out of the question. She wants to go to a university in city s.

After all, she's only 20 now, and she's very young.

The driver soon arrived at the largest bookstore in S City, which was divided into five floors.

Su Mianmian asked the front desk. Knowing that the college entrance examination review materials he wanted to buy were on the third floor, he took the escalator to find the place.

It's been more than two years since she paid no attention to these things. From this point of view, she realized that all kinds of college entrance examination materials are springing up.

For a while, she was dazzled and had no way to start.

Su Mian is a little distressed. He lingers among bookshelves. What to do and how to choose?

"May I give you some advice?" K's voice suddenly came from behind.

Su Mian is stunned. After returning to his mind, he sees K coming by with a smile. Still a pair of simple shirts and jeans, walking between bookshelves, I would think he is a student preparing for the college entrance examination.

"K, why are you here?" Su Mian asked curiously and unexpectedly.

K just smiled but didn't speak. He walked quickly and moved quickly between bookshelves. A moment later, he came back to Su Mian with a pile of books.

"Here you are." He sent the book forward.

Su Mian subconsciously reaches out to take over, but he underestimates the weight of the book. He falls down and almost falls.

"Forget it, I'll do it." Some of K can't read the past and take the stack of books again, holding them, he goes to the cash register.

Su Mian is not polite to him. After K pays, they go out.

K holds the book, looks at her sideways, smiles and asks, "Mianmian, do you need a tutor?"

Su Mian was stunned. He was familiar with what he said. It seemed that he had heard it at any time.

On reflection, she remembered that it was k who helped her review more than two years ago."K, are you going to be my tutor again?" Su Mian asked with a smile.

K shrugs his shoulders, smiles and says nothing.

Su Mian nodded and said, "OK, I need a tutor. But what about the cost? "

"Fees?" K smiled, leaned over and asked, "how about a piece of chocolate?"

A piece of chocolate?!

K is this going to teach yourself for free?

Su Mian smiled and said, "sure, I'll pack your chocolate later!"

"Thank you, sister." K is like a good brother at the moment.

But Su Mianmian knows that it's just a fake of him. He has crazy genes in his bones.

She thought about it and asked, "why did you come to the bookstore?"


Su Mian said without words, "I don't want to guess. Hurry up."

"All right." K shrugged and said, "in fact, I've been following you, so I've followed you into the bookstore."

Su Mian is startled. He looks at K in a stupefied way, showing a look of incomprehension.

"Ah? Why follow me? " Why does she feel like he's going to do something bad?

"I have something to tell you. I didn't finish yesterday If you want. "

Su Mian thought of the news K told him yesterday.

What's going on?!

Su took a deep breath and said.

"It's OK, you say it! I'm ready for it! "

There shouldn't be anything more frightening to Sufi than Joanne.

"Didn't you ask me yesterday what I was going to do? I want to live a normal life in the future Maybe there's something you don't know. The advice package disappeared. "

What's up? That's su Zheyu's personality.

Disappeared, that is to say

K looked at Su Mian's face, smiled and said, "well, literally, he'll sleep forever. This body will be mine later."

When k said this, all of a sudden, his style became very weird.

Su Mian Leng Leng, slowly opened his eyes to see him.